missing stamina points...

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missing stamina points...

Post by thexian »

has this happened to anyone else?
you are in a fight, mob hits you robs you of some stamina... but it comes off your MAX stamina, and whats worse you need to relog to get it back.
i want to know if this is happening to others so i can start a bug ticket.
thanx all.
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Re: missing stamina points...

Post by teleios »

thexian wrote:has this happened to anyone else?
you are in a fight, mob hits you robs you of some stamina... but it comes off your MAX stamina, and whats worse you need to relog to get it back.
i want to know if this is happening to others so i can start a bug ticket.
thanx all.
I've had this problem too.. I've always just relogged though and fixed it - never thought of anything else that could do it...
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Re: missing stamina points...

Post by stellus »

Happened to me tonight. Thought it to be strange.
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Re: missing stamina points...

Post by zumwalt »

Actually this is a known bug, there is a few ways to replicate it and I have reported it to a GM in the game during the time it happened and how to replicate the issue.

First method is pretty straight forward, like you stsated, the creature nails you hard, you loose staminna, and the formula take it off the cap, not the current (base) so for instance:

You have 800 / 800 stamina.

Mob X hits you and you loose 50 stamina.

You now have 750 / 750 stamina.

Another way to loose this is by enhanced items. For instance, you have legs that give you 50 stamina, during battle (only way I have replicated this one), you remove your legs, now the numbers ended as follows.

850 / 850 - battle begin, huge damage being done to legs, so removed while fighting.

Base was 800 / 800, however, removing the pants caused it to go to 750 / 750. (-50 from cap)

There is also a way to replicate this same problem with your Hit Points.

Say you have 1000 / 1000 hitpoints, and you are wielding 2 x weapons (sword dagger in this example), then you click on your right hand (leaving the dagger in your left hand) and equipe a 2h melee weapon that adds HP, well, instead of it adding, it subtracts.

So your mace with a 50 HP bonus does the following:

first, dagger / sword equipped, not in battle, or in battle, doesn't matter in this case, you click on right hand, click on 2h mace with 50 hp bonus

Your hp is now
950 / 950

Same is true if you have a sword and a shield, only way around this, is to remove the dagger or shield, then change the weapon in right hand, this will yield propper readings.

These are still broke, and I had reported it over 2 weeks ago to GM's (no I didn't write down his name, it was LATE at night and generally I dont' care who I am talking to when I am talking to the GM's, I just trust they know what they are doing and create what ever report they need to)

All of this is known, and is buggy, just quit out, load back in, and you will have your stamina and hp back.
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