vaynen wrote:Hi all
I was wondering if any of you were having problems with running the game alongside a firewall.
I noticed lately that I was disconnected regularly for some seconds during play, and I wonder if there are any firewall ports that I should keep open.
What ports does this game require? Is it UDP or TCP? Anyone have the same problems? Anyone happen to know what settings I should configure to enable Ryzom-friendly firewalling

Depending on what firewall you have you should under options in the firewall setup have the availiability to give Ryzom access on all ports, in that way you are sure that it will not be blocked due to a firewall.
A firewall would btw not disconnect you just for a little amount of time, it would either not grant access at all or give you full allowance to play. So it was not your firewall
Btw be sure to let Ryzom get access in the SP2 firewall if you installed that pack.