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Re: Character Creation??

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:00 pm
by voerace
Hair, hair color, eye color, eye size, mouth size, mouth position, eye position, nose width, nose length and position I think. And then how tall and fat. I think that's it.

Re: Character Creation??

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:19 pm
by yy48n19
Unregistered wrote:I'm currently in WoW beta and subscribing to FFXI, both of which have a disappointing lack of character customization. EQ2 has awful textures, so I'm just scouting around to see if any MMOs actually let you create a decent, even somewhat unique character. Would anyone mind giving me a sample of the options at character creation and some of the jobs available? Thanks!
Yeah, the post above has pretty much got it, I think--except it's not as simple as tall and fat. You can adjust height, torso, legs, and arms. Mostly you're just increasing muscle mass, and it's not really possible to create a character with a huge belly, like in SWG; but you could combine a big, robust torso with relatively skinny arms and legs to create an illusion of fat. It looks pretty weird; humorous.

As far as the jobs go, there are four basic skill trees: warrior, mage, forager (read: harvesting), and crafter. As you level up in each skill tree, you can invest skill points in different specializations, and take a specialized path, if you choose. It is very open-ended, however; the claim to fame is that each character is truly unique with customizable actions. I think it's a double-sided coin, though. On the one hand, yes, every player will invest their character's skill points in a different way. The flip side of that is that all skill trees, all specializations, and all skills are always open to everyone. So, as the game progresses and characters advance more and more, they will all be moving more and more towards a final, all-skills maxed-out uber-state. Yes, such a progression will take a while, and not everyone will choose to develop one character to that point, but I am certain that a certain type of player (*cough* powergamer *cough*) will max out all skill trees faster than any of the devs ever thought possible. This will be a certain percentage of players--maybe small, maybe fairly large (but not including me :p ) --and I would imagine that they would put pressure on the devs to patch in more levels or more skill trees. Devs may have already taken this into account. And, this isn't really the answer to your question; it's a ramble. The answer to your question is, yes, it is possible to create a truly unique character; if not in looks, then in skills.

Unless you're a powergamer.
:D :p

Re: Character Creation??

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 11:24 pm
by bizango
Add a few dozen different facial tattoos to the variety, and that there are four different races, each with their own different sets of customization.

Clothing & armor colors and look depend a lot on what materials are used to make them.

In an upcoming patch, Nevrax has said they would be adding a cosmetics skill.

Re: Character Creation??

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:37 am
by yy48n19
bizango wrote:Add a few dozen different facial tattoos to the variety, and that there are four different races, each with their own different sets of customization.
True, true. Had forgotten about that. :)
bizango wrote:In an upcoming patch, Nevrax has said they would be adding a cosmetics skill.
True to a point. The official word is:
satchi wrote:Possible Patch Two Content: (time dependent)

* The cosmetic skills branch (tattoos and hair to start)