Dig/Spank Expedition!
Next expedition is...
Thursday Mar 26, 21GMT / 5pmEST / 2pmPST CLICK HERE for TIME in a city near you.
Meeting at Dyron Kami TP
Calling all warriors, mages, and forgers! The Kitins have taken foothold in Prime Roots, but are we going to let them get away with this? Are we going to stop gathering valuable resources? No way! And if we encounter any bosses, their days are numbered too!
This has been done successfully twice before. If you’d like to read the tale and see more pics of this adventure CLICK HERE.
Join me at the Dyron Kami Teleporter (note: you don’t need any Prime Roots TPs to join this!).
From Dyron we will go to Under Spring, spank the Kitin Patrols and bosses in our way, and go to many popular dig spots.
The required group size is 15+. The ideal configuration, if we have 15, is only one tank, 9 healing, and 5 nuking. It's fine if half of the heal/nukers are in focus gear. It’s great if we have one DA master spamming fear. Anyone with healing skill over lvl 100 is welcome and very useful (no use of combat skills sub-200 please).
See ya there! Let’s show these Kitins that they will NOT stop us from harvesting Aty’s best resources!
Dig/Spank Expedition - Mar 26
Dig/Spank Expedition - Mar 26
Last edited by vonzuben on Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Daughter of Jena & Leader of Hearts of Thunder
Re: Dig/Spank Expedition - Mar 26
Todays Dig/Spank was successful. Thanks to all who came
Todays was the largest group so far. Was the first time we left with no DP at all, but was also not as lucky for finding excel/sup as previous times.
Also this time I could swear we encountered a lot more KPs than before, but it could just be the route we took or random luck.
I will likely organize another in about a week.
Todays was the largest group so far. Was the first time we left with no DP at all, but was also not as lucky for finding excel/sup as previous times.
Also this time I could swear we encountered a lot more KPs than before, but it could just be the route we took or random luck.
I will likely organize another in about a week.
Daughter of Jena & Leader of Hearts of Thunder