I do agree that something is amiss with the inability to purchase gear if you so desire. I'm not sure how to fix it, other than for crafters to put some emphasis on vendoring a range of gear at different levels. They have no incentive to do so, because they are swimming in dappers and crafting a few sets of whatever at a level lower than their max gains them little or no XP.
Maybe we should start a campaign to stock the vendors instead of giving gear away.
It's also true that the starting areas have been pretty empty since the "ZOMG it's F2P" crowd took a hike. Nonetheless, almost any hunting team can use another healer, especially one who poses no threat of nerfing XP.
The problem is that not so many people watch Uni, and few to none are hunting in low level regions. So getting to a higher region and asking in region chat is your best bet. Hopefully this will improve dramatically when SW starts marketing and charging. In the meantime, joining a good guild will help.
Maybe we should start a campaign to get teams to check capital cities for new people before starting hunts.
OK, so two action items for oldies:
- Put some good gear on the vendors, at a range of quality levels.
- Find newbies to add to your hunt team.
OK, now about the requirement to dig and craft...
I didn't really start digging and crafting until my hunting skills were far, far up there. I didn't get rich as soon as crafters, but I didn't suffer either.
I know other people, some with multiple combat masters, who don't dig or craft at all except just as an occasional change of pace.
I also know people who only dig and craft, and hunt only as healers, and that only rarely.
Can you explain more why you feel digging and crafting are required?