[RP event] An open invitation...
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:04 am
All interested homins are invited to a celebratory gathering in the "Tranquil Tryker" pub of Thesos. Check this bulletin during Harvestor for the date.
[ Saturday the 23rd, 8pm GMT / 4pm EST / 3pm CST / 2pm MST / 1pm PST ]
The subject of celebration is the return of many homins from the Old Lands and other outer reaches of Atys. For many who have remained here, this has meant happy reunion with long-lost friends and family. Even for new refugees it is an exciting and opportune time, as the routes to the New Lands and Silan are much safer than usual thanks to the skilled warriors and mages traveling them.
We will supplement the pub's food and drink menus with stock from Liberty Lake, Pyr, the Cities of Intuition, and the Majestic Garden. Additionally, refugees may encounter tastes of home thanks to recipes and supplies donated to Pecus Cegrips by our own returning guild members and possibly others.
Our only request to the attendees is this: Don't give your fellow attendees trouble about their religion or race.
People who haven't been to Thesos yet and aren't confident in their ability to travel there alone are very welcome to request escort. For this, Jelathnia is the contact.
Whether we see you at the pub or not, we hope you'll have wonderful days catching up with old friends or making new ones.
~ House Etchmarc
[ Saturday the 23rd, 8pm GMT / 4pm EST / 3pm CST / 2pm MST / 1pm PST ]
The subject of celebration is the return of many homins from the Old Lands and other outer reaches of Atys. For many who have remained here, this has meant happy reunion with long-lost friends and family. Even for new refugees it is an exciting and opportune time, as the routes to the New Lands and Silan are much safer than usual thanks to the skilled warriors and mages traveling them.
We will supplement the pub's food and drink menus with stock from Liberty Lake, Pyr, the Cities of Intuition, and the Majestic Garden. Additionally, refugees may encounter tastes of home thanks to recipes and supplies donated to Pecus Cegrips by our own returning guild members and possibly others.
Our only request to the attendees is this: Don't give your fellow attendees trouble about their religion or race.
People who haven't been to Thesos yet and aren't confident in their ability to travel there alone are very welcome to request escort. For this, Jelathnia is the contact.
Whether we see you at the pub or not, we hope you'll have wonderful days catching up with old friends or making new ones.
~ House Etchmarc