[RP event] An open invitation...
Moderators: The Soothsayer, Lanist, Xaphon Zessen
[RP event] An open invitation...
All interested homins are invited to a celebratory gathering in the "Tranquil Tryker" pub of Thesos. Check this bulletin during Harvestor for the date.
[ Saturday the 23rd, 8pm GMT / 4pm EST / 3pm CST / 2pm MST / 1pm PST ]
The subject of celebration is the return of many homins from the Old Lands and other outer reaches of Atys. For many who have remained here, this has meant happy reunion with long-lost friends and family. Even for new refugees it is an exciting and opportune time, as the routes to the New Lands and Silan are much safer than usual thanks to the skilled warriors and mages traveling them.
We will supplement the pub's food and drink menus with stock from Liberty Lake, Pyr, the Cities of Intuition, and the Majestic Garden. Additionally, refugees may encounter tastes of home thanks to recipes and supplies donated to Pecus Cegrips by our own returning guild members and possibly others.
Our only request to the attendees is this: Don't give your fellow attendees trouble about their religion or race.
People who haven't been to Thesos yet and aren't confident in their ability to travel there alone are very welcome to request escort. For this, Jelathnia is the contact.
Whether we see you at the pub or not, we hope you'll have wonderful days catching up with old friends or making new ones.
~ House Etchmarc
[ Saturday the 23rd, 8pm GMT / 4pm EST / 3pm CST / 2pm MST / 1pm PST ]
The subject of celebration is the return of many homins from the Old Lands and other outer reaches of Atys. For many who have remained here, this has meant happy reunion with long-lost friends and family. Even for new refugees it is an exciting and opportune time, as the routes to the New Lands and Silan are much safer than usual thanks to the skilled warriors and mages traveling them.
We will supplement the pub's food and drink menus with stock from Liberty Lake, Pyr, the Cities of Intuition, and the Majestic Garden. Additionally, refugees may encounter tastes of home thanks to recipes and supplies donated to Pecus Cegrips by our own returning guild members and possibly others.
Our only request to the attendees is this: Don't give your fellow attendees trouble about their religion or race.
People who haven't been to Thesos yet and aren't confident in their ability to travel there alone are very welcome to request escort. For this, Jelathnia is the contact.
Whether we see you at the pub or not, we hope you'll have wonderful days catching up with old friends or making new ones.
~ House Etchmarc
Jelathnia, Kasarinia, KianShi, Maethro, ShuaLi, and OPaxie (Arispotle)
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
Re: [RP event] An open invitation...
[ When autumn arrives, this menu is put up in the Thesos pub next to the normal menu: ]
===== DRINKS =====
Slaveni Juice
A refreshing, slightly bitter nectar from the blossoms of slaveni deep in the Witherings. Non-alcoholic.
[Thanks to Collix of Leanon for this one.]
Dewdrops Dew
A light, fizzy drink similar to Tryker Ale but non-alcoholic; popular among children in Crystabell and Avendale. Best when well-chilled.
Strong, clear liquor made from the shooki seed.
[Thanks to Collix of Leanon for this one too.]
Dyronian Mead
Sweet and acetous mead. Taken from bees near Dyron. Known to calm the throat after an Ocyx Fire.
[Thanks to Collix of Leanon.]
Ocyx Fire
Dyronian Mead laced with shots of Shookischnaps, stinga juice, and a cloudy liquor from Verdant Heights known as Matis Mist. The mixture is blue, and when set on fire the flame is also blue.
[Thanks Collix of Leanon.]
Varinx Blood
Dyronian Mead laced with the bitter red juice of shooki berries.
[From Collix of Leanon.]
Strong, dark beer from Pyr.
[From Collix of Leanon.]
Anichio's Mead
A Tryker specialty from somewhere in Aeden Aqueous. It tastes warm and soft, spicy but not too much.
On a label made of heavy parchment dangling from a thread on the cork, there is an exquisite drawing depicting the dashing figure of a Matis. A pistol and a saber are pushed through his belt; there is a leather drinking tube in his right hand, and a small keg in his left. His hair is matted to his head by sweat or water, and his head is surrounded by small black dots. Behind the figure stands a wooden barrel.
In equally fine handwriting the legend is written beneath the feet of the figure:
"Captain Anichio's mead. Traditionally made to an old family recipe!"
Avalae White
Sweet white wine from Verdant Heights.
[From Collix of Leanon.]
Crystal Tear
Dry white wine from the Witherings.
[From Collix of Leanon.]
Sandseeders' Wine
Made from bothaya grapes as firewine is, but with a process peculiar to the Sandseeders tribe of the Old Lands and infused with flavours from succulent plants native to a semi-desert region in their locality. The result is a distinctly different beverage, but it still hints of its relation to firewine. It is smooth and has a subtly sweet, grassy aftertaste.
===== FOOD =====
Marinated Clopper Pincers
Crunchy clopper pincers, marinated in a spicy herb sauce. In greatest supply when someone's killed Clopperketh.
[From Collix of Leanon.]
Wine Eggs
Igara eggs marinated in firewine, vinegar and diverse spices.
[From an unknown Leanon player.]
Barbecued Capryni Steak
Steak from capryni rump in a sauce of firewine and shooki-derived honey.
[From an unknown Leanon player.]
Salad Sandwiches
Delicate bread made from certain forest grasses surrounds thin slices of psykopla, mild capryni cheese, and tiny sweet berries from somewhere around Avalae. Typically served in threes, but other quantities can be ordered.
Fillet of Baldusa
The aquatic baldusa is not found in the New Lands. It is a large, graceful creature capable of emitting a powerful electric shock and if improperly prepared its meat is toxic. Rest assured however, these fillets are properly prepared. This was a delicacy in old Trykoth. Legend has it the Karavan once tried to harness the baldusa's electricity but failed.
Mushroom sauce can be added at request.
[A sketch of a baldusa can be found on the bar.]
Fillet of Sagass
Another aquatic creature of the Old Lands, the sagass is smaller than the baldusa and requires no special preparation. The exotic yet subtle flavour of this meat has been accented with equally rare herbs, including seeds from a magic-using kelp. Legend has it the sagass was used as a mount long ago.
[A sketch of a sagass can be found on the bar.]
Rotoa Petal Pastries
Soft, flakey pastries topped with sweet icing and gently shredded petals from the great rotoa flowers of the Prime Roots. The filling is a jelly of mixed berries and more rotoa petals. Just the right size to make you want one or two more...or three...or four.
Beach Morsels
Full grown, the little pod-shaped moato plants found on some lake beaches are poor-tasting and for some homins slightly toxic. But if you pluck and cook them when they're young, they're more than fine. Mild-flavoured; perfect for a variety of dishes or on their own as a snack. These particular specimens are steamed.
Moato Soup
Vegetable soup with "Beach Morsels" in. Yubo meatballs can be added at request.
Bandit Bread
So named because a similar food is often found in forest bandit camps whose occupants had their meal lethally interrupted. It's a simple bread topped with a mushroom paste. The recipe for the paste can vary greatly; this one includes a tiny amount of Shookischnaps.
No prices cause there ain't no prices. All's paid for by House Etchmarc.
- Pecus
===== DRINKS =====
Slaveni Juice
A refreshing, slightly bitter nectar from the blossoms of slaveni deep in the Witherings. Non-alcoholic.
[Thanks to Collix of Leanon for this one.]
Dewdrops Dew
A light, fizzy drink similar to Tryker Ale but non-alcoholic; popular among children in Crystabell and Avendale. Best when well-chilled.
Strong, clear liquor made from the shooki seed.
[Thanks to Collix of Leanon for this one too.]
Dyronian Mead
Sweet and acetous mead. Taken from bees near Dyron. Known to calm the throat after an Ocyx Fire.
[Thanks to Collix of Leanon.]
Ocyx Fire
Dyronian Mead laced with shots of Shookischnaps, stinga juice, and a cloudy liquor from Verdant Heights known as Matis Mist. The mixture is blue, and when set on fire the flame is also blue.
[Thanks Collix of Leanon.]
Varinx Blood
Dyronian Mead laced with the bitter red juice of shooki berries.
[From Collix of Leanon.]
Strong, dark beer from Pyr.
[From Collix of Leanon.]
Anichio's Mead
A Tryker specialty from somewhere in Aeden Aqueous. It tastes warm and soft, spicy but not too much.
On a label made of heavy parchment dangling from a thread on the cork, there is an exquisite drawing depicting the dashing figure of a Matis. A pistol and a saber are pushed through his belt; there is a leather drinking tube in his right hand, and a small keg in his left. His hair is matted to his head by sweat or water, and his head is surrounded by small black dots. Behind the figure stands a wooden barrel.
In equally fine handwriting the legend is written beneath the feet of the figure:
"Captain Anichio's mead. Traditionally made to an old family recipe!"
Avalae White
Sweet white wine from Verdant Heights.
[From Collix of Leanon.]
Crystal Tear
Dry white wine from the Witherings.
[From Collix of Leanon.]
Sandseeders' Wine
Made from bothaya grapes as firewine is, but with a process peculiar to the Sandseeders tribe of the Old Lands and infused with flavours from succulent plants native to a semi-desert region in their locality. The result is a distinctly different beverage, but it still hints of its relation to firewine. It is smooth and has a subtly sweet, grassy aftertaste.
===== FOOD =====
Marinated Clopper Pincers
Crunchy clopper pincers, marinated in a spicy herb sauce. In greatest supply when someone's killed Clopperketh.
[From Collix of Leanon.]
Wine Eggs
Igara eggs marinated in firewine, vinegar and diverse spices.
[From an unknown Leanon player.]
Barbecued Capryni Steak
Steak from capryni rump in a sauce of firewine and shooki-derived honey.
[From an unknown Leanon player.]
Salad Sandwiches
Delicate bread made from certain forest grasses surrounds thin slices of psykopla, mild capryni cheese, and tiny sweet berries from somewhere around Avalae. Typically served in threes, but other quantities can be ordered.
Fillet of Baldusa
The aquatic baldusa is not found in the New Lands. It is a large, graceful creature capable of emitting a powerful electric shock and if improperly prepared its meat is toxic. Rest assured however, these fillets are properly prepared. This was a delicacy in old Trykoth. Legend has it the Karavan once tried to harness the baldusa's electricity but failed.
Mushroom sauce can be added at request.
[A sketch of a baldusa can be found on the bar.]
Fillet of Sagass
Another aquatic creature of the Old Lands, the sagass is smaller than the baldusa and requires no special preparation. The exotic yet subtle flavour of this meat has been accented with equally rare herbs, including seeds from a magic-using kelp. Legend has it the sagass was used as a mount long ago.
[A sketch of a sagass can be found on the bar.]
Rotoa Petal Pastries
Soft, flakey pastries topped with sweet icing and gently shredded petals from the great rotoa flowers of the Prime Roots. The filling is a jelly of mixed berries and more rotoa petals. Just the right size to make you want one or two more...or three...or four.
Beach Morsels
Full grown, the little pod-shaped moato plants found on some lake beaches are poor-tasting and for some homins slightly toxic. But if you pluck and cook them when they're young, they're more than fine. Mild-flavoured; perfect for a variety of dishes or on their own as a snack. These particular specimens are steamed.
Moato Soup
Vegetable soup with "Beach Morsels" in. Yubo meatballs can be added at request.
Bandit Bread
So named because a similar food is often found in forest bandit camps whose occupants had their meal lethally interrupted. It's a simple bread topped with a mushroom paste. The recipe for the paste can vary greatly; this one includes a tiny amount of Shookischnaps.
No prices cause there ain't no prices. All's paid for by House Etchmarc.
- Pecus
Jelathnia, Kasarinia, KianShi, Maethro, ShuaLi, and OPaxie (Arispotle)
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
Re: [RP event] An open invitation...
Nice. Finally some RP.
I'm almost finished with the quests on Silan and at a healthy 30+ levels in most skills. Sat will be a great day to make the final jump to the mainland. I plan on starting from Zora, will it be easy to get to the Pub from there?
Maybe I should leave Friday that way all who are interested in joining the RP and are coming from Silan, like me, can plan on gathering in one spot and then be trekked together?
Nice. Finally some RP.

I'm almost finished with the quests on Silan and at a healthy 30+ levels in most skills. Sat will be a great day to make the final jump to the mainland. I plan on starting from Zora, will it be easy to get to the Pub from there?
Maybe I should leave Friday that way all who are interested in joining the RP and are coming from Silan, like me, can plan on gathering in one spot and then be trekked together?
~Master of Brat Control~
~Joker Apprentice~
(I need to work on my punchline.)
~Joker Apprentice~
(I need to work on my punchline.)
Re: [RP event] An open invitation...
What a great news!
I love to rest my bones at Thesos during my travels between Pyr and Yrkanis.
I will gladly participate to say welcome to all the lost homins that have found their way to our land, for the first time or just returning home.
For the occasion I will bring with me some fireworks.
I love to rest my bones at Thesos during my travels between Pyr and Yrkanis.
I will gladly participate to say welcome to all the lost homins that have found their way to our land, for the first time or just returning home.
For the occasion I will bring with me some fireworks.
Nickname registered on www.mynickname.org
Re: [RP event] An open invitation...
That would be good. :) Ideally those coming from Silan would graduate directly to Pyr, which is very close to Thesos, then after the event be trekked to where they originally intended to start. The only problem with this method is someone needing to log off during or very shortly after the event, in which case I'd need to be logged in a lot during the following few days to watch for them so I could trek them.dlixus wrote: Maybe I should leave Friday that way all who are interested in joining the RP and are coming from Silan, like me, can plan on gathering in one spot and then be trekked together?
Jelathnia, Kasarinia, KianShi, Maethro, ShuaLi, and OPaxie (Arispotle)
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
Re: [RP event] An open invitation...
Reminder, the event is today.
Reminder, the event is today.

Jelathnia, Kasarinia, KianShi, Maethro, ShuaLi, and OPaxie (Arispotle)
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
Re: [RP event] An open invitation...
Absolutely delightful event. it was a pleasure to take part in it. And I look forward to more. Granted I will not be around on atys for them...
But other homin should partake
But other homin should partake
"Pirate" Ptolmea Vinsfield
Reborn to Atys, and a member of Whispers of Aria.
Seems I left my pants hanging off a sign at the Guild Hall.
Nudist by day, Pirate by night.... All around boozer and hassle to the ladies.
Re: [RP event] An open invitation...
Made a fast drawing of the bar while I was there ^^

- Kaetemi [Kami] [Fyros] [Elder of Atys] [NeL Developer]
Rebuild the Kami faction and save Atys from the Karavan! Join the Kami Alliance! Freedom to the Players!
Rebuild the Kami faction and save Atys from the Karavan! Join the Kami Alliance! Freedom to the Players!
Re: [RP event] An open invitation...
Aww, so that's why you were sitting in the bar the whole time! Neat!
Re: [RP event] An open invitation...
Very nice. 

Jelathnia, Kasarinia, KianShi, Maethro, ShuaLi, and OPaxie (Arispotle)
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel
TeiJeng (Leanon)
ï = ALT+0239 | advice for mission design | Zoraï masks
long-distance communication | some foods and drinks | Zoraï pictograms
"Ryzom: We dare to be different. Do you dare to adapt?" - Acridiel