Perception of Player control (bis)

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Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:28 am

Perception of Player control (bis)

Post by gillest63 »

main thread is from Final on general forums but I am stucked in newcomer so there should I answer :)

The key word my friend is the first one: PERCEPTION....

Example of a GM I could give you the perception of you shaping my universe yes. except that the shape of the universe you will enter I would already have shaped according to my will-objective :)

You want to turn right....
You can.....
But maybe it is not because you want....
It is because it is the right way for you to go after you came out victorious from the last kitin invasion....

A clever Writer-GM could even make you go in the direction you do not want to :)

So YES: we can shaped this world and we can create its history....
This world may also be shaped the same way without us.. :)

The key word again is perception.....

Another example that is ryzom based: French community...
(except the fact that they are 10 time more a pain in the butt than we are)....
They did get much much more events than we did...... Not because the devs were french....... Because 95% of them were RP orientated... so answers from GM and results of invasion; events; had to follow RP orientation...

Answers to questions were differents because the way the questions were formulated were different....

So yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can change this world!!!!!!!!!
It doesnt depend of what question you ask.....
It all depends HOW you ask the question....

Hmmm: Found one of the story that made Gillest what he is/was...
Remember the old man
Gillest was there in the first week one odd day of Sept 04 and will never leave till life makes us apart
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