Sometimes the game will have no sound, accessing the in game game configuration sound menu, switching it off and back on will crash the game with these log file results:
client_ryzom_rd.exe NeL Error
A fatal error occurs. The program must quit
ProcName: client_ryzom_rd.exe
Date: 2007/06/18 23:00:35
File: R:\code\nel\src\sound\driver\fmod\sound_driver_fmod.cpp
Line: 126
FuncName: <Unknown>
Reason: Sound driver singleton instanciated twice
Log with no filter:
Log Starting [2007/06/18 22:58:02]
2007/06/18 22:58:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF a28 common.cpp 570 : Exception will be launched: Failed to create the FMod driver object
2007/06/18 23:00:35 client_ryzom_rd.exe ERR a28 sound_driver_fmod.cpp 126 : Sound driver singleton instanciated twice
client_ryzom_rd.exe Access Violation
Access Violation exception generated at 0x7C918FEA, thread attempts to write at 0x10.
The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Log with no filter:
Log Starting [2007/06/18 22:58:02]
2007/06/18 22:58:02 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF a28 common.cpp 570 : Exception will be launched: Failed to create the FMod driver object
2007/06/18 23:00:35 client_ryzom_rd.exe ERR a28 sound_driver_fmod.cpp 126 : Sound driver singleton instanciated twice
2007/06/18 23:01:18 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF a28 sound_driver_fmod.cpp 157 : FMod Hardware Support: 32 2D channels, 29 3D channels, 61 Total Channels
EDIT: Nevermind just found this workaround
Reason: Sound driver singleton instanciated twice (resolved)
Got a problem getting things to work? Drop us a line here and you'll find all the help you need.
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