après avoir patché mon ryzom ce jour, mon client refuse de redémarrer et m'envoie une erreur de type "Access Violation exception generated at 0x9584AD" tout de suite après l'apparition du cartouche Ryzom au milieu de l'écran, pas possible d'aller plus loin, la fenêtre d'identification n'a pas le temps d'apparaitre.
D'autres joueurs rencontrés sur le klient ont le même problème.
J'ai redémarré l'ordi, réinstallé le patch sur une copie de ryzom en enlevant mon antivirus mais sans plus de succès...
à l'aide !
voici le message d'erreur en entier :
Access Violation exception generated at 0x9584AD, thread attempts to read at <NULL>.
The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Log with no filter:
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_lightmaps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'testroom_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'testroom_lightmaps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'testroom_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'testroom_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'testroom_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'testroom_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ee8 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(water_tryker_island.shape, [email]tryker_island_zones.bnp@water_tryker_island.shap[/email]e, 0, shape): already inserted from 'tryker_island_shapes.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_lightmaps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ee8 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(tr_acc_pouf.shape, [email]tryker_shapes.bnp@tr_acc_pouf.shap[/email]e, 0, shape): already inserted from 'indoors_shapes.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ee8 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(tr_acc_table.shape, [email]tryker_shapes.bnp@tr_acc_table.shap[/email]e, 0, shape): already inserted from 'indoors_shapes.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'windows.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ee8 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(log.log, windows.bnp@log.log, 0, log): already inserted from 'characters_shapes.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_island_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_island_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_island_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_lightmaps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG ee8 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ee8 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(n019003l.afm, data/fonts/n019003l.afm, 0, afm): already inserted from 'data/', skip it
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ee8 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(n019003l.pfb, data/fonts/n019003l.pfb, 0, pfb): already inserted from 'data/', skip it
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ee8 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(n019003l.pfm, data/fonts/n019003l.pfm, 0, pfm): already inserted from 'data/', skip it
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ee8 path.cpp 941 : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(examples, 1, 0): adding the path 'examples/'
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ee8 path.cpp 1272 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(r2_features_loaded.lua, examples/r2_features_loaded.lua, 0, lua): already inserted from 'data_common.bnp@' but special case so overide it
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF ee8 init.cpp 625 : PROFILE: 1 seconds for Add search paths Predata
2007/05/03 14:45:34 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN ee8 path.cpp 505 : PATH: CPath::lookup(classificationtype_words_fr.txt): file not found
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 4294967295
HomeId: 0
ShardId: 0
On a Mainland Shard
Application: ryzom_live
No user entity informations
ViewPosition: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Time in game: 0h 0min 0sec
LocalTime: 2007/05/03 14:45:35
ServerTick: 0
ConnectState: NotInitialised
LocalAddress: :0 (
Language: Français
Client is online
NumServerHOP: 0
NumFarTP: 0
NumReselectPerso: 0
Connection Events:
Memory: 537MB/1022MB
Process Virtual Memory: 78MB
NeL Memory: 0B
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (Build 2600) (5.1 2600)
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz / x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 3 / GenuineIntel / 2992MHz / 2 Processors found
CPUID: bfebfbff
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: No driver
3DCard: ATI FireGL V3100, version
No sound
Problème après patch du 3 mai [répondu]
Re: Problème après patch du 3 mai
Je suis de ceux qui ont le meme souci
j'y travaille actuellement avec Yumeroh
j'y travaille actuellement avec Yumeroh
Re: Problème après patch du 3 mai
même problème
Merci de trouver rapidement une solution
Merci de trouver rapidement une solution
Re: Problème après patch du 3 mai
Meme probleme
Re: Problème après patch du 3 mai
Le problème d'Access Violation peut être résolu en changeant vos drivers vidéos.
Pour les ATI, les drivers Catalyst 7.4 fonctionnent parfaitement, et pour les Nvidia, il faudra peut être, pour certains, retourner sur une version un peu plus ancienne des drivers si la plus récente ne fonctionne pas mieux.
Pour les cartes à base de chipsets SIS/Intel, il faut tester d'autres drivers pour le moment.
Nous travaillons actuellement là dessus
Pour les ATI, les drivers Catalyst 7.4 fonctionnent parfaitement, et pour les Nvidia, il faudra peut être, pour certains, retourner sur une version un peu plus ancienne des drivers si la plus récente ne fonctionne pas mieux.
Pour les cartes à base de chipsets SIS/Intel, il faut tester d'autres drivers pour le moment.
Nous travaillons actuellement là dessus
Veteran Guide Aniro
Event Guide Aniro
Veteran Guide Aniro
Event Guide Aniro
Re: Problème après patch du 3 mai [répondu]
Possesseur d'une carte graphique ATI RADEON 9800 XT (surcarte Hercules ...)je viens d'effectuer la mise à jour de mes drivers avec la version 7.4 .
J'ai essayé de relancer Ryzom .... rien de changé, toujours le meme message d'erreur apres l'apparition de la première fenetre.
Access Violation exception generated at 0x9584AD, thread attempts to read at <NULL>.
The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Log with no filter:
2007/05/04 15:32:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(, [email][/email], 0, dds): already inserted from 'matis_maps.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(canope_matis_trunk.tga, [email][/email], 1, dds): already inserted from 'matis_maps.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(, [email][/email], 0, dds): already inserted from 'matis_maps.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(canope_matis_trunk_detail.tga, [email][/email], 1, dds): already inserted from 'matis_maps.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sound.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(string.typ, sound.bnp@string.typ, 0, typ): already inserted from 'leveldesign.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_lightmaps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_lightmaps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(water_tryker_island.shape, [email]tryker_island_zones.bnp@water_tryker_island.shap[/email]e, 0, shape): already inserted from 'tryker_island_shapes.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_lightmaps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(tr_acc_pouf.shape, [email]tryker_shapes.bnp@tr_acc_pouf.shap[/email]e, 0, shape): already inserted from 'indoors_shapes.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(tr_acc_table.shape, [email]tryker_shapes.bnp@tr_acc_table.shap[/email]e, 0, shape): already inserted from 'indoors_shapes.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_island_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_island_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_island_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_lightmaps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(n019003l.afm, data/fonts/n019003l.afm, 0, afm): already inserted from 'data/', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(n019003l.pfb, data/fonts/n019003l.pfb, 0, pfb): already inserted from 'data/', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(n019003l.pfm, data/fonts/n019003l.pfm, 0, pfm): already inserted from 'data/', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 4c0 path.cpp 941 : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(examples, 1, 0): adding the path 'examples/'
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 4c0 path.cpp 1272 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(r2_features_loaded.lua, examples/r2_features_loaded.lua, 0, lua): already inserted from 'data_common.bnp@' but special case so overide it
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 4c0 init.cpp 625 : PROFILE: 9 seconds for Add search paths Predata
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 505 : PATH: CPath::lookup(classificationtype_words_fr.txt): file not found
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 4294967295
HomeId: 0
ShardId: 0
On a Mainland Shard
Application: ryzom_live
No user entity informations
ViewPosition: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Time in game: 0h 0min 0sec
LocalTime: 2007/05/04 15:32:12
ServerTick: 0
ConnectState: NotInitialised
LocalAddress: :0 (
Language: Français
Client is online
NumServerHOP: 0
NumFarTP: 0
NumReselectPerso: 0
Connection Events:
Memory: 1454MB/2047MB
Process Virtual Memory: 80MB
NeL Memory: 0B
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 (Build 2600) (5.1 2600)
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz / x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 / GenuineIntel / 3014MHz / 2 Processors found
CPUID: bfebfbff
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: No driver
3DCard: HERCULES 3D PROPHET 9800 XT Classic, version
No sound
J'ai essayé de relancer Ryzom .... rien de changé, toujours le meme message d'erreur apres l'apparition de la première fenetre.
Access Violation exception generated at 0x9584AD, thread attempts to read at <NULL>.
The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Log with no filter:
2007/05/04 15:32:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(, [email][/email], 0, dds): already inserted from 'matis_maps.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(canope_matis_trunk.tga, [email][/email], 1, dds): already inserted from 'matis_maps.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(, [email][/email], 0, dds): already inserted from 'matis_maps.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(canope_matis_trunk_detail.tga, [email][/email], 1, dds): already inserted from 'matis_maps.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sound.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:09 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(string.typ, sound.bnp@string.typ, 0, typ): already inserted from 'leveldesign.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_lightmaps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'sources_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_lightmaps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'terre_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_island_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(water_tryker_island.shape, [email]tryker_island_zones.bnp@water_tryker_island.shap[/email]e, 0, shape): already inserted from 'tryker_island_shapes.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_lightmaps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_newbie_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(tr_acc_pouf.shape, [email]tryker_shapes.bnp@tr_acc_pouf.shap[/email]e, 0, shape): already inserted from 'indoors_shapes.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(tr_acc_table.shape, [email]tryker_shapes.bnp@tr_acc_table.shap[/email]e, 0, shape): already inserted from 'indoors_shapes.bnp@', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'tryker_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_island_ig.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_island_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_island_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_lightmaps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:10 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_maps.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_pacs.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_shapes.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe DBG 4c0 big_file.cpp 276 : BigFile : adding bnp 'zorai_zones.bnp' to the collection
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(n019003l.afm, data/fonts/n019003l.afm, 0, afm): already inserted from 'data/', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(n019003l.pfb, data/fonts/n019003l.pfb, 0, pfb): already inserted from 'data/', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 1297 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(n019003l.pfm, data/fonts/n019003l.pfm, 0, pfm): already inserted from 'data/', skip it
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 4c0 path.cpp 941 : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(examples, 1, 0): adding the path 'examples/'
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 4c0 path.cpp 1272 : PATH: CPath::insertFileInMap(r2_features_loaded.lua, examples/r2_features_loaded.lua, 0, lua): already inserted from 'data_common.bnp@' but special case so overide it
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe INF 4c0 init.cpp 625 : PROFILE: 9 seconds for Add search paths Predata
2007/05/04 15:32:11 client_ryzom_rd.exe WRN 4c0 path.cpp 505 : PATH: CPath::lookup(classificationtype_words_fr.txt): file not found
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 4294967295
HomeId: 0
ShardId: 0
On a Mainland Shard
Application: ryzom_live
No user entity informations
ViewPosition: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Time in game: 0h 0min 0sec
LocalTime: 2007/05/04 15:32:12
ServerTick: 0
ConnectState: NotInitialised
LocalAddress: :0 (
Language: Français
Client is online
NumServerHOP: 0
NumFarTP: 0
NumReselectPerso: 0
Connection Events:
Memory: 1454MB/2047MB
Process Virtual Memory: 80MB
NeL Memory: 0B
OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 (Build 2600) (5.1 2600)
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz / x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 / GenuineIntel / 3014MHz / 2 Processors found
CPUID: bfebfbff
CpuMask: 1
NeL3D: No driver
3DCard: HERCULES 3D PROPHET 9800 XT Classic, version
No sound
Re: Problème après patch du 3 mai [répondu]
Juste une hypothèse (qui vaut ce qu'elle vaut) : Les messages d'erreur de Djiper et Kiten ont en commun le fait qu'aucune carte son ne soit détectée... le problème serait-il lié à ça ?... et peut être même lié au problème déjà connu du son qui fait planter le jeu lorsqu'on revient en jeu après l'avoir quitté sans avoir redémarré le PC ?djiper wrote: ....
User Crash Callback:
No sound
PS : C'est surement une bétise... mais sait-on jamais...