Hi I have just started playing the free trial and have a couple of questions to help me determine whether to subscribe.
It seems ever level you get 10 skill points to learn new skills. Should I be careful where I spend these points? i.e. will I eventually run out them and regret not specialising more?
The newcomers guide says "you can advance in any tree as far as you'd like", and also "there is no penalty for learning multiple skills, the more skills learned, the more options that are available." This seems to imply that eventually it would be possible to learn every skill.
However, if you get only 10 skills points a level and assuming there is a level cap of say 250, it would seem you will eventually run out of points. Or else it will take you so long to level it is effectively the same thing...
Plese advise me! I am not a person who tries to maximise everything, but I don't want to charge into a ton of different specialities only to find 3 months down the line that I made a mistake and made my char ineffectual.
learning skills
Re: learning skills
Skill tree splits few times, first at 21, then 51 and every 50 after that. For exaple magic breaks to defensive and offensive at 21, each branch splits into 2 at 51 again. After that it does not split (just the skill name changes), so in the end you can have level 250 in 4 magis skills, with lots of spare points.
Given enough patience you can learn everyhing useful, lots of unusefull things and still have few points free
Given enough patience you can learn everyhing useful, lots of unusefull things and still have few points free

Re: learning skills
At lower levels you might find it hard to have enough points but, eventually, you will have more than you can spend. I wouldn't worry about running out of skill points, it wont happen.
You can't really spend them badly either, since you will have spare to buy the skills you need.
You can't really spend them badly either, since you will have spare to buy the skills you need.
Elder Of Atys (ask nicely and I'll do the breakdance for you!)
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Chasing the DING!
All posts are In Person (Not IC, not OOC, not Rp, just me!)
Chasing the DING!
katriell wrote:You can't "complete" the mainland. If one thinks one has seen or done everything there, one is kidding oneself. But be prepared to "get out what you put in," because the mainland does not coddle or hold hands.
Re: learning skills
I have an abundance of skill points (currently 400+) in Magic and at least over 50 in the 3 skill branches left over as well. I know there are skills I still want to buy but, I've held off adding new skills until I'm alot more comfortable with the ones I have now (personal choice and not something dictated by gameplay etc.) So you will not run out of skill points or skills for that matter and I know of no possible way to "nerf" a character that a bit more time and effort could not correct.
Server: Arispostle
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Guild: Fluffy Bunnies, High Officer.
Website: Fluffybunnies.net
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Location:Ruins of Silan
Main Character: Bosse
Guild: Fluffy Bunnies, High Officer.
Website: Fluffybunnies.net
Alternate Character:Aked
Location:Ruins of Silan