Introducing Gutwine, the paladin

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Introducing Gutwine, the paladin

Post by gutwine »

Hello all,
Im new to the game, i started a fyros player named Gutwine. I plan to play as a paladin. i have read that in this game there are no classes, the first thing i like of this game, so ill take fight and heal abilities. The other thing i like is the editor
i havent test myself but it has a good look.
But i have a question, this game is based, like other mmorpgs, in the tank, dps, healer group?
Well, when i can have a pay account we see in the mainland, see you all.
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Re: Introducing Gutwine, the paladin

Post by geezas »

gutwine wrote:But i have a question, this game is based, like other mmorpgs, in the tank, dps, healer group?
Yes this system is perfectly viable in Ryzom. The beauty is that you can be any of those 3 and there are some more options to play as well.
Aina - homin
Oh lookie a thingy, that would go very well with this thingy I have here and the other thingy I found at the uhm thingy near uhm well, that's not important right now. This might make a excellent thingy to hit thingies with :D
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Re: Introducing Gutwine, the paladin

Post by gretchen »

You have flexibility to do pretty much as you want to do, but there will be some practical considerations.

Say for instance, as a Paladin you decide to wade into battle in medium or heavy armor, these both have "action malus" statistics associated with them. What this means is there are penalties to magic (and some other things) when so encumbered.

You can certainly be a tank with heals, just understand that wearing tankly armor your heals will take longer to cast, have less range, and cost more Sap ("mana") than if you were wearing light armor or caster robes.

That certainly doesn't mean you can't have heal spells! You can have any skills you want.

Also before it is confusing you will find there are "heal" and "heal self" spell series. And there is no "rez" spell, when someone dies, they fall to the ground in a coma bleeding to death...they have the choice of respawning at any time, or waiting for a rez until their timer runs out....someone can rez them by casting regular heal spells on them until they are back up again.

When either rezzed or respawned your points are way down and some further healing and recovery is required to get back to full function. There are also "heal" spells for the other 3 measures of capacity....Sap, Stamina and Focus (not just for hitpoints.)

The ability to customize and edit actions and spells is actually a lot of fun. You can cram as much into a spell (options) as you can pay for (with credits) so you have to decide, do I want to make an action that does a lot, but drains me utterly? Or a more modest action, that I can cast many times?
Ashah...Zoraï on Arispotle (neutral but Kami-leaning) member of Team Spirit!
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Re: Introducing Gutwine, the paladin

Post by gutwine »

Thx for your answers.

I think that the posibility of create custom actions, and the fact that is ability based not class based is better than have closed classes.

But i have one question about this, the abilitys that a char can choose are restricted to your race or alignment? I meant, a nautral fyros can choose diferent actions than a karavan matis?

And, have each race bonusses in some disciplines?

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Re: Introducing Gutwine, the paladin

Post by gretchen »

I *believe* (from what I've read, I'm pretty new myself) that the whole skilltree is available to everyone. There are some special racial weapons (like electricity based for Zoraï, for instance,) that I think you need to be aligned to that civilization to get the perks.

Note that you start out neutral in most respects (well you have some base fame adjustments for race, Kami love Zoraï and like Fyros, for example,) but nothing that cannot be overcome. You can in fact take any race and work the missions and earn fame to join any civilization and either cult, or stay neutral in either respect. I imagine that joining a civ gives you potential to access that race's perks, since it lifts the fame caps that exist for a neutral player (and tightens the caps on opposing factions.)

Saw posted that each race has innate bonus resistance to their "environment" type but not so much that equipment bonuses won't be a much larger factor later on.
Ashah...Zoraï on Arispotle (neutral but Kami-leaning) member of Team Spirit!
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Re: Introducing Gutwine, the paladin

Post by zangan »

The ONLY difference between races and religion is fame, spawn points, and teleport pacts. No action differences. No different skills. No super awesome guns for a Karavan.

This alas means no super magic for the noble Kami followers...*sigh*. Oh well.
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Re: Introducing Gutwine, the paladin

Post by weaz01 »

Taking a Paladin role is possible, but there are some important differences from other MMO's:

Casting in heavy armor is a fairly bad idea because of the malus, and having amplifiers equipped is a necessity, as a good pair will add a good amount of healing, and lower your cast time significantly. Meleeing in medium or light armor is an equally bad idea, as the HP bonuses and protection factors on heavy armor are necessary to stand in melee against challenging enemies.

Swapping back and forth between LA/amps and HA/melee weapon is certainly possible mid-combat, but there is an equip cooldown time that's significant enough to not ignore. Basically, it's best to be equipped for the job at hand before the fighting begins, although in an emergency sitation, it is absolutely possible to toss out a heal in your melee gear as needed, or run and come back to res your teammates when things go bad.

Choosing to focus primarily on healing magic and melee skill is definitely not a bad idea, just be aware that the best gear for the healing and melee roles is different, and resign yourself to carrying two sets of armor around with you at all times.
Calatos - Fyros 2H Melee
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