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Buying Full Spells and Upgrades

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:22 am
by jpcaps
So an Acid Damage 3 is available that contains Credit Cast Time 5.

There is also Acid Damage Upgrade that adds additional damage.

I bought the upgrade to save skill points. Then I realized I need more credits. However, I can't find any lower than Credit Cast Time 15. No more credit stanzas available.

I can't find any trainer in the noobie island that sells Credit Cast Time 5.

So I ended up buying the full Acid Damage 3 spell.

My question is, how come Credit Cast Time 5 is not available for purchase when it's part of the full spell package?

Should I be buying the full spell rather than upgrades?

Hope I'm making sense.

Re: Buying Full Spells and Upgrades

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:17 am
by philu
Not sure why you couldn't buy the credit but the general rule of thumb is to buy one full spell that contains all the credits, then buy upgrades for all the other spells at the same level that contain the same credits.

So for example, you would buy the full Acid 3 which contains credits. Then you would only need to buy the Ice 3 upgrade and build a new spell with that and the credits gained from Acid 3.

Re: Buying Full Spells and Upgrades

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:02 pm
by gretchen
I was elsewhere told that if you have (or buy) a stanza that is part of a complete action/spell/whatever, then the cost of that action is reduced by the cost of the stanza you already have.

So if you found your Credit cast time 5 then all the spells containing it should display as cheaper from then on.

That's what I was told. I haven't tested it but it makes sense, since so many prepackaged actions contain a lot of the same stanzas that you wouldn't have to pay for some of the same building blocks over and over.