Another quick question

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Another quick question

Post by cyclone1 »

Hiyos again. I was wondering.. If I want my character to be just an all around hybrid type, what should I do when it comes to armor? From what I understand there's malus on everything but light, which is horrible for casting. Should I just carry multiple sets around with me?
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Re: Another quick question

Post by chessack »

That's what I do. I have a set of clothes and jewels for digging and another set of heavy armor and other jewels for fighting. I don't cast much but when I start working on that (which I will do eventually), I will get a set of sap clothes and make myself sap jewels for that.

Carrying it all can be impractical so what I do is keep one set on my mount (in a stable) and one set on me.

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Re: Another quick question

Post by jamela »

If you want flexibility without a moment's notice, then get the best set of Medium armour that you can. If you want efficiency for every occasion then carry light and heavy armour suits, and maybe medium too, to be secondary tank. There is no best build, it is up to you to do as you please.
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