Hi there,
I'm playing in Trykerland and I'm really wondering, besides the guarded portals to the outer regions, if the mob balancing and mob placing at some spots is fair to us player.
It seems the leveldesigner didn't have enough time to actually place and balance the mobs in Resting Water.
A good fellow player, level100 with q80 heavy armor and myself tried to kill zerx. We were done in 2 seconds cause the zerx hit us with 1100 damage each. Zerx drops q113 and does not give max exp anymore at level100, although it is still impossible to kill it.
Due to the fact that the zerx hit us each for 1100 damage I am also wondering where the difference may be between heavy and light/none armor. Cause I wore none and it hit me as hard as it hit my fellow player with the heavy q80 armor set.
Next thing are Kincher. Even the smallest ones seem to have thousands of HP. They resist completly to acid and to 60% to cold I'd say and when you're unlucky they charge that electrical beam at you and you're done. Furthermore their aggro range seems to be 1mile and they follow you at warp9, almost impossible to escape once a kincher notices you. The small Kincher are level114 I think.
Besides that I believe the mob balancing above 100+ needs alot of improvement, the mob placement needs so aswell.
Down there in Resting Water are hords of Kincher, Zerx, Ragus and whatever all at one spot. Once you attack one mob, ten more will follow for sure.
Two level 25 player can kill sprightly yubos (level40)
Two level 50 player can kill a malicious clopper (level76)
Two level 100 player cannot kill kincher or zerx but 2 cutes at the same time (level110 I think)
Maybe it's supposed to be that tough. Then they should drop higher quality stuff or better exp, maybe get another level colour.
Are Zerx/Kincher unbalanced?
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