Thanks so much for everyone who turned up.Taken from Tyilins notebook of scores wrote: :::: Atysian Guild Pvp challenge:::
Legion of Atys Order of the Nameless B
Order of the Nameless A Nexus
Team Spirit Riders of the Storm
Fight 1
LoA V.OotN-win
OotN(solo)-win V.Nexus
RotS-win V.OotN(solo)
Nexus V. TS-win
TS V. RotS -win
LoA -win V. OotN (solo)
OotN -winv. Ootn (solo)
LoA -win V. Nexus
Nexus v. OotN-win
LoA -win v. RotS
TS -winv. Ootn (solo)
OotN -win v. Rots
OOTN p5 won 5 15p
LOA p5 won 3 9 P
riders p5 won 3 9p
TS p5 won 3 9p
ootn solo p5 won 1 3p
nexus p5 won o 0 p
Rots V LoA V TS = TS winner
OotN (rundll) V TS
round1 = OOTN
round2 = OOTN
Winners are OOTN
grats to OotN and well done TS