SWG refugee comes to say hello

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SWG refugee comes to say hello

Post by knoote »

And i need some help with the skill system as i don't understand it at all :P
I want to be a ranged fighter

So far i only tried the trial and really liked it so far. Time to cancel my 2 swg accounts and enter the world of Ryzom.
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Re: SWG refugee comes to say hello

Post by pyscojug »

The skill system is very overwhelming at first, I say this as an Ex-SWG player myself. I'm still rather new myself, but this is what I have learned about the SoR skill system:

1'st: What you need to remember so you don't get frustrated is this: The skill trees branch off, so if you feel restricted in the skills you want to take, later on that restriction will dissappear.

2'nd What do you want to do in this game? That is the question I asked myself and when I answered it I came up with a plan to acheive it, with the help of this community of course.

3'rd: What I learned from the community. Crafting Skill Points are very valuable, use them sparingly and only in what is needed.

4'th: Do the starter quests, but I would suggest leveling up to level 10 in each skill besides crafting first. After you hit Level 10 in fighting, harvesting, and Magic then start the starter quests. They will give you lots of XP and get you into Level 20 rather quickly.

5'th: Havesting is pretty complex, do the starting quests for it and ask a lot of questions.
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Re: SWG refugee comes to say hello

Post by zanthar »

pyscojug wrote:The skill system is very overwhelming at first, I say this as an Ex-SWG player myself. I'm still rather new myself, but this is what I have learned about the SoR skill system:

1'st: What you need to remember so you don't get frustrated is this: The skill trees branch off, so if you feel restricted in the skills you want to take, later on that restriction will dissappear.

2'nd What do you want to do in this game? That is the question I asked myself and when I answered it I came up with a plan to acheive it, with the help of this community of course.

3'rd: What I learned from the community. Crafting Skill Points are very valuable, use them sparingly and only in what is needed.

4'th: Do the starter quests, but I would suggest leveling up to level 10 in each skill besides crafting first. After you hit Level 10 in fighting, harvesting, and Magic then start the starter quests. They will give you lots of XP and get you into Level 20 rather quickly.

5'th: Havesting is pretty complex, do the starting quests for it and ask a lot of questions.
What psychojug says is very true but ATM I have no idea what I want my toon to do so I'm exploring everything! He is right that this game is a bit overwhelming at first but give it a few days and post as much as you need to figure stuff out! I also am a SWG vet so it was refreshing to see some sembelance of pre-CU swg again in this game. Excapt Ryzom a good bit more complex than Pre-CU especially harvesting,and don't look for a wp to find this or that here cause it doesn't happen I.E. when you get to the third or fourth quest in harvesting they tell you to get a certain stanza and give you a vague direction and off you go to find X amount of a material! Which is not a bad thing IMO it makes you think a bit and ask questions. It also gets you familiar with your surroundings. BTW my IGN is Znathara if ya wanna group. I am also a newbie been here a week.
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Re: SWG refugee comes to say hello

Post by jennaelf »

Good advice already given! I second it all.

A few other things to remember:

There are no caps or limits on one skill just because you are using another.
You can max out any branch that you have the inclination to.
250 for each branch is the skill level limit at the moment (never know if it will grow).

And to be a broken record: Never be afraid to ask questions. Here or in game. Generally there is someone around willing to answer your questions. If someone doesn't in game, it is better to assume that they don't know, rather than think they are just ignoring you.

Welcome to Ryzom!

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