Still new, so ... here goes.
I think I read somewhere that it's better to use Harvest skill points to purchase all Constitution and Metabolism, rather than using the Fight points for it, since less points are needed in the Harvest tree later on.
Is this true? I've re-rolled a few times already after what I think were points spent in error, and don't want to make the same mistake again. Then again, I also see people say not to worry since I will have lots of 'extra' SPs to spend as I get higher. I'm just a little confused is all.
Also, the missions, especially Magic and Craft, require you to buy certain things, like Fear, Rot, Root, Light Pants plans, etc., that some players have told me are also a waste. Well, not all are wastes, but for example, I was told I'd never really use Rot much, and if I want to craft something other than armor, the SPs I just used for the Light pants may not have been a good investment.
I was really looking for advice from veterens on the best place to spend each of the SPs in the different trees while on SoR island.
I see some great guides here in the forums, but all of them were writtesn when the skill packages were different than what if offered now, and none are relevant to what is asked for or relates to the new NPE zone.
Any help would be great.
New player question about skill points
Re: New player question about skill points
I'm still on n00b isle myself, but having finished all the quests, I can tell you that while those spells may or may not be useful later on, they're decent enough for the n00b isle and completing their respective quests more than compensates you for having to buy them exp-wise. Also, the training they provide in different skills is invaluable.
All just my opinion, though.
All just my opinion, though.
Re: New player question about skill points
I wouldn't recommend using Harvest SP on anything except Harvest skills. Fight Skill Points become plentiful much earlier than Harvest or Craft. But it's not a big deal. I did exactly that myself and used Harvest SP to upgrade my Fight stats quite a lot, early on. Quickly had more Fight SP than I could use without learning Aim stanzas while my Forage skills ran a bit tight - I got by without the Prospection with Knowledge and Multiple Spot Prospection for a very long time
Eventually learned that Multi-Spot is actually very, very, very useful and not just for showing off 
I wouldn't reroll a character for doing that. You cant gimp yourself, only make life a bit harder for a while, in some areas, easier in others. Trying to learn multiple craft trees at early levels, though, can be very difficult - specialise in one tree. I'm not sure if this is true on Silan, but you may be able to do craft missions as a team, so you don't have to have the required craft plan as long as someone in the team does

I wouldn't reroll a character for doing that. You cant gimp yourself, only make life a bit harder for a while, in some areas, easier in others. Trying to learn multiple craft trees at early levels, though, can be very difficult - specialise in one tree. I'm not sure if this is true on Silan, but you may be able to do craft missions as a team, so you don't have to have the required craft plan as long as someone in the team does

Re: New player question about skill points
Well, OK then, thanks for the responses. I was only concerned because it seemed that spending Fight SP for Con/Met left me not enough points to max out Inc Dmg, Acc Attack, Taunt, etc.
Yet at the same time, I dont want to risk being short in Harvest either.
But then again, I guess for newb island, Increased Damage is the most useful skill for Fight anyway, so I guess I can worry about the other skills later on as I need them.
There is a lot to learn, but I'll get there. Heh.
Yet at the same time, I dont want to risk being short in Harvest either.
But then again, I guess for newb island, Increased Damage is the most useful skill for Fight anyway, so I guess I can worry about the other skills later on as I need them.
There is a lot to learn, but I'll get there. Heh.
Re: New player question about skill points
Well... You´ll have to fight inteligent plants somewhere along your way, so "Rot" will surely come in handy. 
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Re: New player question about skill points
Spend them on Con/Met/Str etc pretty liberally.mikura wrote:Well, OK then, thanks for the responses. I was only concerned because it seemed that spending Fight SP for Con/Met left me not enough points to max out Inc Dmg, Acc Attack, Taunt, etc.
See the thing is, you only need some of the combat moves. Increased damage and accuracy are universal. But in not too long you will end up having either much better Parry, or much better Dodge. This will become relatively consistent. When it does, you can focus on buying things like "Attack after Parry" (if you find yourself generally parrying) and ignoring "Attack after Dodge" (if you don't usually play in dodge mode, for example). Also, Bleed is for swords, Ignore Armor is for lances/daggers, Slow is for blunt. Once you choose a weapon and go with it, you can ignore (or put WAY down on your priority list) all the things that apply to other weapons.
My character, for instance, dual wields daggers and swords. Her main weapon is thus slashing, with "close combat" for her off hand. The off hand can't use specials though, so I only need specials appropriate to swords (i.e. bleed). Her parry is usually slightly higher than her dodge rating (though not by much) so I've been focusing on "attack after parry" rather than after dodge.
But I make sure to get good con, metabolism, etc, for her. You only need 2 or 3 "actions" on your bar to be able to do basic combat... the other skills just give you more options. But if you have a full 2 rows of actions of all sorts, and no stamina to use them, and no health to remain standing in battle, well, that's a problem.
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