Weapon Specials how do they work?

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Weapon Specials how do they work?

Post by dcbdown »

I'm fairly new to the game and have seen various weapons and that each weapon type has a special attack. I've found that swords can use bleed and this effect stacks repeatedly and seems to refresh the bleed status, but do the otheres stack. From what little testing I have done i can't really tell if they stack or not.

Example: Does repeating hitting a monster with slow from blunt weapons slow them more and more each hit?

By stack i mean are repeated application of the same effect cumulative.

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Re: Weapon Specials how do they work?

Post by acridiel »

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Re: Weapon Specials how do they work?

Post by jamela »

Welcome to Atys, Crowdpleaser :)

Hit with Bleeding (using axe or sword - slashing weapons) and you will get 10% extra damage (not affected by Increase Damage) for 16 ticks if the combat lasts that long. This stacks, it doesn't refresh. Ignore armour, for piercing weapons, counts only for damage dealt by that strike. A successful strike with Slow (maces - smashing weapons) causes an effect for ... umm, I think it's 5 seconds ... which may be refreshed but doesn't stack.
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