anthor question
anthor question
this is probaly a stupid question but ive been downloading this one bittorrent for almost a day now and i want to ask is the skill system somwhat close to starwars galaxies....pre-NGE....?
Re: anthor question
I havn't played SWG, but a lot of former players do say that it is the closest thing around 

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Kibsy - Silan Alt (Arispotle server)
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Re: anthor question
It is conceptually close to the pre-CU version of SWG.
That said, there are a lot of differences when you get down to the details. But conceptually it works very similarly.
That said, there are a lot of differences when you get down to the details. But conceptually it works very similarly.
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Re: anthor question
You don't have to unlearn skills to be able to learn others though. You can conceivably learn every skill in the game all the way to the cap of 250, thought I do not believe anyone has done it yet.
Re: anthor question
thanks for the info download is almost done finally hope to see some of u ingame