I have been playing SoR for a few days now and I just love it. I like the way the game looks and the fact crafting is at the heart of the game, not a sidething to do and the complexity of it all. A bit more diversity would be nice when it comes to combat actions, melee and especially ranged, which brings me to my first question.
How bad is ranged combat? Ive read the patch noted dating up to a year back and truth is i havent seen any improvements to the system. I might have missed something. And a few more specific questions:
-Why does the launcher ammo take 5% of inventory space per round? Its even bigger than a plain old pistol.
-Why do the rifles get the same action malus as (auto)launcher +50 and pistols only +30?
-What is the difference between a one handed and a two handed ranged weapon? I see it applies to pistols and rifles as well and can you dual wield the one handed ones just like you do with melee weapons?
-Which armour type is best for a ranged fighter? My guess is heavy for solo play and light for teams.
-Which race has the coolest looking guns?

I have read there is no skill point loss in this game and if you had the patience you could skill up in everything. At lower levels I am stuggling to get enough SP to be able to craft my preferred armour type, weapon type and ammo type. I know that is asking a lot but if the system is correct it should be doable. Suppose my combat skill is 20, and i want a ql20 armour/gun/ammo, what level my crafting should be? Or as a ratio.
Ive tried playing Zoraï just because few play them from what i heard, but truth is their male models and armour looks could use some love. Can the Matis or Tryker join a Kami guild? How could that be acomplished and how does one travel between capital cities? Where does one get training if i move to the opposing side lands?
I know its a lot of questions but they are mostly gameplay related and I havent seen any info on those elements. I figured out prospecting and custom action making through stanzas but not those.