Homins I bring you a brief biography of The Marshall Rehn Kirran and the text of last night's speech:
Rehn Kirran
Marshall Rehn is standing for a united front with the other Homin Nations and a mutual bond of understanding.
He has traveled in all the Homin lands and fought extensively in the kitin wars especially in Fyros. This has made him a man of action, who can take decisions quickly and see them through. Diplomacy he prefers to leave to others, recognizing that his skills lie in the military sphere.
Rehn has always worked closely with the Rangers as he is convinced that the Kitin threat is the most dangerous facing the modern Homin. He was completely in favour of the New Treaty and intends to carry on this aspect of Stil Wylers life work. A believer in the equality of all homins Rehn is vehemently against the slavers.
Due to his pro Homin policies, his opponents have called him a Kami supporter, but he prefers to keep his religious beliefs to himself. Recently married to Sara Shipsie, Rehn is known for his remarkable tolerance for alcohol. Rehn is supported by Shinder Salan, High officer of the guild of Federal Affairs and Deputy and councellor to Stll Wyler.
Rehn's speech
Homins, I will make a short speech but one from my heart. You all know me and the efforts the Marshals have made to ensure that Atys is peaceful and unthreatened. Indeed many of you came to my recent wedding to wish me well.
I feel that in these perilous times I have to take action; I have to make a stand for the future, for the good of the Tryker Nation and indeed for all of Atys!
These are my beliefs, if you vote for me; I will use them to ensure that we are never again placed in danger and despair.
I believe in inter Homin cooperation. Our place on this planet will be made more secure if we strive to improve our relations with the neighboring homins. These relations must be underpinned by a commitment to real progress on peace, democracy, mutual common security and economic fairness.
I believe in the implementation of an ethical foreign policy, calling for planet wide social justice and equitable sharing of the planet's resources. A promise given to you right here and now shall be that I intent to launch a campaign against Slavers once I am elected as Governor; as these dissolute individuals have been tolerated in our lands for too long. In fact lets act on this now! I will be in touch with a time and a place to meet and teach these anti-Trykers a serious lesson.
I believe in the use peaceful diplomacy, the reform of inter Homin bodies and the promotion of lasting common security against the threats of the Kitin and the Goo. In this we will work closely with the Rangers. The best way to achieve security and to tackle the Kitin threat is through actively supporting and helping out the Rangers in searching for any imminent or future trace of invasion.
I will also pledge to reduce duties on alcohol, which is currently taxed as a luxury import, when it should clearly be reclassified as a food and beverage.
I stand now and always for the Tryker belief that everyone has the right to be treated equally and fairly, regardless of race, gender, age, citizenship or faction.
Marshall Rehn Kirran
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Moderators: The Soothsayer, Lanist, Xaphon Zessen
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