I'm looking for A Kamist crafter of 1H Spears, who can craft q200-250
Please send me an email/tell in game.
Kamist 1H spear crafter wanted!
Kamist 1H spear crafter wanted!
Twilight Whispers
Twilight Whispers
Re: Kamist 1H spear crafter wanted!
NM i'm kara tho never had a problem making kamists spears.
Aajolea, Fashion Consultant
Matisian Royal Lancers
Crafter of Multi-race Light armour, Medium armour, shields, Bucklers, 1h axe, pike, Jewels, amps, auto-launchers and spears. (q250)
Matisian Royal Lancers
Crafter of Multi-race Light armour, Medium armour, shields, Bucklers, 1h axe, pike, Jewels, amps, auto-launchers and spears. (q250)