How many times have you re-started?

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How many times have you re-started?

Post by drcole22 »

On my second attempt now.

Went to the mainland as lvl 28 melee fighter, 30 melee weap craft, 25 harvest. Bloody gingos got me every time!!

Going to stay in noob land a little longer this time. Work on my HP & stam a bit more!
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Re: How many times have you re-started?

Post by mboeing »

Since first open beta I had 23 different chars. Some didnt exist for longer then 10-15 minutes though.
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Re: How many times have you re-started?

Post by mafioso »

I have never had to restart a character. In this game you never make a "mistake". To me all skills have a good purpose, you just have to learn how to optimally use the skill.
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Re: How many times have you re-started?

Post by hivewasp »

2 characters a day? :p

No seriously, I reroll quite a few chars per day, trying out starting combos and trying to optimize my start of career even if in the long run it doesnt mean anything at all... I am learning the various aspects of various classes to make more informed decisions later on.

There are 2 characters I keep playing, my little Tryker and my Fyros. Currently playing the Fyros (the desert is a death trap in comparison to tryker land... I died more in 20 mins there than in 2 weeks on tryker lands)

Rayah - Fyros warrior/weaponcrafter/armorcrafter/forager.
Lilith - Tryker warrior/weaponcrafter/forager

I'll probably add some magic char along the road... or have one of my favourites become a mage :D
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Re: How many times have you re-started?

Post by Eshin »

It takes about 10 tries just to make the char look what it is supposed to look in-game, as the creation screen can fool you a bit. It's crucial to make that part right if you're planning to play that char for, say like, 6 months ;)

As for the skills and how to optimize then, it's not much of problem to me anymore. I've played since first open beta, so I've learned from my mistakes and know how to avoid them now :) It's true that you can't really terminately botch up you character, but you can do mistakes, like learning skills that really has no practical use outside PvP for example. They aren't useless, of course, but like said: with minimal practical value. Some skills/stanzas just need a bit tweaking.
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Re: How many? Omg u indecisive

Post by pcheez »

Hold on a minute there. If u restarted ur chara more than once, u gotta be pretty indecisice , or stupid. I played the last open beta for a week and stuck with one character and explored all aspects of the game. Now on release, i only made 1 chara and plan to stick with it. If u start crying over 50 sp wasted on a skill u believe is useless, trust me u gonna reconsider in the future. NO skill is useless in the long run.
But this is just my opinion :)
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Re: How many times have you re-started?

Post by ayne31 »

Either I am having a deja vu or I propose a poll on this theme for the second time today.....
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