Perma Death Race!
Get together with your buddies and everyone start a newbie toon of the same race. Set up what ever House Rules you care to use and what ever goals you want to try accomplishing with what ever reward you want to put up with what ever time limits y'all decide on.
The only "hard" rule is...when a character dies, it's gone. deleted. Start over.
All first try characters should have a name that starts with A and progress down the alphabet with each new character made after death removes the previous.
Some examples of goals
1. First to kill a Hard Kipee
2. First to pull a Q50 mat
3. First to craft a Q50 helmut
Possible House Rules
No handme downs from other charactes in your account.
No gifts or loans from other players
No purchasing from NPC vendors
No wearing of anything not crafted by yourself
ect ect
what ever sounds interesting or challenging to the group can be tried as a House Rule and/or a goal. You can play for pride or everyone can pitch in what ever is agreed upon for the winner. Events can be as short as one game session or as long as the group agrees upon.
It'd have to be honor system so dont play with folk you dont know