It was in Thesos. And it was one of those hot and humid
days where you wait for the rain but it doesnt come down.
The sky was dark, the air was loaded with desert dust.
One of those days you could not see for more then ten
meters. Thunderstorms and lightning where painting
blue streacks into the dark, depressing sky.
It was one of those days when a stranger entered the
"Tranquil Tryker". The barman first saw his dark silhouette in the
door while a flash was lightning the bar room from outside.
The stranger walked towards the barman. He was small, his face
was crusted with a mixture of desert dust, sweat and blood. His
hair was dirty. His clothes where as dirty as his face, worn and
frayed. Even the pick the stranger carried was worn and had only
part of its shaft left.
"What a mudlark" the barman thought, although he recogniced the
bright and clear eys in the dirty face.
"Welcome young Fyros" the barman greeted the stranger.
"What can i do for you ?" he asked, although he knowed from the
look the Homin wanted a drink.
"Water ? Firewine ? or some Mektoub milk ?" the barman offerd
"Or do you just want me to ask where you can have a bath" the barman
added with a grin.
"Well, you dont look like someone who can pay me. So some water will
be free" the barman said.
The stranger looked at the barman with tired eyes. Then he opened his
bag and searched around in it while mumbling something the barman
couldnt understand.
Finally the stranger took out a small packet of supreme amber and
throwed it towards the barman who catched it in a reflex.
"Give me first some water, then a big mug of your best firewine" the
stranger said.
"And i am no young Fyros, i am Tryker and my name is Psylo" the stranger
said. Then turned around to find a seat.
"Hey barman" Psylo said as the barman returned with the water and the
"Is it true that Dextons guards imprisoned a stupid mercenary whos
gone crazy ?"
"Jewdsa or Judes or something... whatever, the diggers told me he got
busted while fighting for ideals or something" Psylo added with a grin.
"OKeeey TRYKER, heres your water and your firewine. Drink up and get lost" the
Barman shouted. "I will not let you offend our warriors, even when its
a ladies man and bribale merc" the barman roared with a red face.
"There is nothing stupid to fight for something higher, for ideals.." the barman
said while gasping for breath. "At least this is how a true Fyros thinks about
the warriors code of honor"
"Ahhh well" Psylo said, grinned, rinsed his mouth with the water and spitted
it out towards the feet of the barman.
"If you meet him..." Psylo added, then emptied the mug in one pull.
"If you meet him tell him hes stupid. Hes never going to make a living
as merc. Not with the heart of a knight... better he starts digging soon"
Psylo said then grabbing his old pick and leaving the bar while mumbling
something about stupid Fraharheads...
ok people, its early morning and i am already awake *argl*
There was an offhanded drive to do some roleplay. Not trol#+-.?=&%$ shhhhh
So please have a laugh, a smile or ignore me