System Req Question

Posts: 170
Joined: Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:00 am

Re: System Req Question

Post by amitlu »

On my home PC, I play with 512 megs of RAM and I don't experience any performance problems. 384 megabytes of RAM will probably run the game, but your performance might suffer a bit _if_ the game has to start accessing your swap files on your hard drive. I've heard of people playing with as little as 256 megs of RAM, though.

Posts: 178
Joined: Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:18 pm

Re: System Req Question

Post by rugster »

you wont know until you try, i realise money is probably an issue here, but add a 256 stick of ram and try to get hold of a copy of winxp home, win98 se is definatly the worst op system you can put on a pc, if anything will, win98 will stop you playing ryzoms long before 384meg of ram does. btw how have you managed to get 384 megs of ram?

Your ti4200 is good enough for the game, but ideally you will need 512 of ddr ram and a decent op system. just keep the card as cool as possible, ti overheats rapidly, well it does, with me, but then i can play for 24 hours...sometimes a row. At which point everything is overheating.

Ryzoms is now technology, and sorry to say it, but your pc is last years' yesterday technology.. :(

"Example, there were guys with 512 MB RAM and lesser GeForce 2's funning the game fine on dial-up (Planetside). There were others with GeForce 5900s or ATI 9800s with 1 MB plus, a specially sized disk cache, lean system OS with no other programs running, on high-speed cable or dsl and they were getting lagola in large battles making it unplayable"

- this often happens in fps games, our high end pcs are literally lagged out by low end pcs lag, thus we lag and often we lag worse.. This is why many servers playing Medal of honour/honor battlefield1942 and others ban low spec pc users as soon as they are recognised. Also in planetside a good video card is needed, as it deals with render area and when you have 50 people suddenly appear out of nowhere a solid vid card definely helps with the immiediate lag this situation creates. your ti4200 is a very good card, just keep it cool.

btw i use an nvidia motherboard, onboard sound, 768ram 3x256, athlon Xp 1.5ghz chip, adsl 512 link, Nividia fx5600 card, the fx5200 ran worse then my ti4200...but the fx series runs much colder then Ti, at least 40 degees colder.

add various fans, a serious powerbox and an airy box i dont get problems in games unless everyone is having them. Or unless i've been messing with setups...=P
Last edited by rugster on Tue Oct 05, 2004 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
~ Martin

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