Selling Question
Selling Question
If someone could explain selling to me in detail that would be appreciated. I went to an NPC vendor last night and found that if I clikced the sell to NPC button I was able to sell the items I wanted to sell, however there were a few other buttons and calcualtions that I did not understand, so I didn't touch them.
Re: Selling Question
bradarth wrote:If someone could explain selling to me in detail that would be appreciated. I went to an NPC vendor last night and found that if I clikced the sell to NPC button I was able to sell the items I wanted to sell, however there were a few other buttons and calcualtions that I did not understand, so I didn't touch them.
For quartered/looted materials or for "new" items you have basically two options (when using the NPC feature) sell directly to the NPC -and thus not allowing other players to buy it- and you get the price he offers you, usually based on item grade and quality, or leave it in the NPC so another player can buy it -you still get part of the money now, and the rest if/when a player buys it-.
What you can set in the second case is the 'markup' in percent. that will set the price for other players to buy the item.
For example, I want to sell 10 q100 harvested materials. The NPC interface shows me the amount of dappers the NPC is willing to pay me 'right now' for a single mat and the total, let's say 1000 per mat. I can set the markup to 100% and click 'sell to players'. The NPC will give me a part now and the rest when/if a player pays the 2000 per mat
More or less that's the basic idea
The important parts:
* Sell to NPC means you don't want other players to buy your item and you will not get the extra dapper you can get if another player would buy the item
* You can have at most 128 items (or stacks of mats) for sale
* Items for sale can be stored for a max of 7 days. After that time they disappear and the result is as if you had sold them directly to NPC
Anissa - Jena's Lost Tribe -
Re: Selling Question
If I understand correctly, even if the NPC doesnt sell your item, he will still pay you the Sell Now price, after the 'auction' expires?
Re: Selling Question
bradarth wrote:If I understand correctly, even if the NPC doesnt sell your item, he will still pay you the Sell Now price, after the 'auction' expires?
You get that money right when you click "sell to players", immediately, and the rest when a player actually buys the item -if a player buys the item, otherwise, you get just what the NPC gave you-. Let's imagine you sell a q10 dagger, the NPC offers you 1000 dappers. You use a veeery high markup (like 9999%) so your dagger is offered to the other players for milions.... you'll get 1000 dappers right now, and 7 days after a message like "your dagger has been sold, the NPC has already paid you" or if a player is crazy enough (Yoshi or Audrey come to mind

Anissa - Jena's Lost Tribe -