Changes to the game ?

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Changes to the game ?

Post by jokque »

Soo, i played this game back when it was new, and until middle of october 04. The game was a bit unfinished back then, crafting was quicky, those packers didnt work properly etc.
Ive just reactivated my account and been running around for a few hours not really finding anything to do.
Has the game been changed in any way to facilitate for soloers ? From what i remember soloing was a tedious and not particulary fun task, you could xp for a while just fine and suddenly some way overpowered enemy would come from out of nowhere and kill you in one hit, giving you death penalty, ie basically making you loose the xp you had just gained.
Also, in the melee weapon category, pikes were incredibly overpowered compared to for example daggers. a pike of a similar ql than a dagger did like 5 times the damage, yet each attack cost the exact same amount of sta or whichever credits you put in your attacks.

Any other changes to the game ?
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Re: Changes to the game ?

Post by vutescu »

No place for lone wolfs here, exept maybe for range combat and ele magic. (but after lev 125) Without a team you are screwed for good.
Pikes are ok (well a pike is supposed to do more damage than a dagger anyway). The only area where you can solo are harvesting and crafting, but I suppose you know that.
No major changes in game, tou devs are keep threating us with the coming of outposts. :) Game still have plenity of bugs, the only bugs that are fixed are usually the ones that leads to exploits. But if you just want to play around, not to play, is a nice mindless huge 3D chat room. Have fun.
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Re: Changes to the game ?

Post by mmatto »

Soloing is possible but less efficient for xp than teaming because of downtimes while waiting regeneration and added risk when running into some agro.

You will notice that most areas are agro free and safe for soloing without nasty surprises. This might not be apparent at first as one of the horrible places for agro is just front of Yrkanis. Though, there is plenty of other homins running around for rezzing you.

It pays to find safer areas when going solo. I am sure that some more experienced players will be happy to show some good places.

But, I don't think there have been actual changes to agro mobs in low lvl areas (I started late November).

Some skills are seriously underpowered (staff, dagger, and ranged fighting). But you should not have problems pursuing other skills. Most used melee weapon is 2h sword. Many use 1h sword + dagger, 2h pike or axe too. These weapons should be easily found in shops.

Some changes that come to my mind are:
- Riding mektoubs and encyclopedic missions
- Bandit bosses (high lvl content)
- Accessing prime roots is easier
- PvP areas
- lots of smaller bugfixes and improvements

Something to do:
- exploring
- treks to other continents
- doing tasks (not that many different types though)
- increasing fame (by doing tasks)
- doing encyclopedic missions (there is a fame requirement)
- attending events
- hunting
- named boss hunting (these exists in every region)
- joining guild and all other social stuff
Mikos, Abyss Eye
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Re: Changes to the game ?

Post by vutescu »

mmatto wrote:Something to do:
- exploring
- treks to other continents
- doing tasks (not that many different types though)
- increasing fame (by doing tasks)
- doing encyclopedic missions (there is a fame requirement)
- attending events
- hunting
- named boss hunting (these exists in every region)
- joining guild and all other social stuff
Ah, c'mon m8...
Any guild that have a bit of respect for their members is doing "all tp's" and "all q250 light armor" thingies. So exploring and treks to other continents... LOL.
Doing tasks. Yeah, right. Especially the ones that are regarding broken encyclopedya missions. :P
Hunting and named boss hunting. I'd like to see you hunting even timmies solo.
Attending events / social crap |=> those are implemented to strengten the comunity and have no value for a player who does not roleplay or is a lone wolf.
Bottom line: a 3D mirc. :P
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Re: Changes to the game ?

Post by borg9 »

You can solo any skill. The downside is its SLOW, but this does mean it can't be done.

Harvest - you need to apply careplans youself.
Craft - you need to buy or dig you own materials.
Elem (at any level) - there are mobs you can kill before they reach you.
Melee - there are mobs that you can kill before they kill you.

Teaming does lots of things:

- It speeds up the leveling (healing)
- Allows you to take on larger things
- it gives you someone to talk to

Weapons - if all weapons did the same damage - we would only need 1 weapon for all.

Bugs - there are no 'game breaking bugs' that I am aware of, a few annoying ones.

I played for almost 60 hrs over this weekend + bank holiday monday (Yes - I am sad) In all that time I think I only crashed 3 times (porting to FH)

New additons since Oct 04

Stronger Mekkies
More and different Boss Mobs + guards
More Named mobs
NPC bosses
Mob re-distibution (WoM is now a lvl 100 area, with lvl50-100 mobs)
PvP added to areas in the Prime Roots
Guild Hall and Apartment inventories increased in capacity
Crafting plans have been adjusted Medium Quality and High quality have improved stats (HP) and required more materials.
Reduced cost for magic skill stanzas
More limited PR mats availablity

and some other stuff that I have forgotten.
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Re: Changes to the game ?

Post by thexdane »

hate to say it but if you want to play an rpg game solo then well try neverwinter nights or morrowwind

ryzom is a massively MULTIPLAYER online roleplaying game

it's not a massively SOLOPLAYER online roleplaying game

this is not a soloing game nor was it ever intended to be that
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Re: Changes to the game ?

Post by jokque »

thexdane wrote:hate to say it but if you want to play an rpg game solo then well try neverwinter nights or morrowwind

ryzom is a massively MULTIPLAYER online roleplaying game

it's not a massively SOLOPLAYER online roleplaying game

this is not a soloing game nor was it ever intended to be that

wouldnt mind teaming, if there was anyone to team with ;)

Im not quite sure why a game with such a small player base is so team oriented
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Re: Changes to the game ?

Post by vinnyq »

Suggest joining a nice guild for the soloers. It would improve your experience a lot (but only if you participate).

New stuff: you missed the major week-long invasion, that was kind of fun, with a few annoying details. Hope they have newer improve events soon, similar to it but better. I get to see the Raid Engine at work there, that was pretty awesome.

Rites: about a handful is working right now. Try the Yrkannis barman one, that's a fun starting one.

Mounts: bye a horsey and ride around. That's fun.

NPCs bosses: not for soloer, but it's a blast to do it with a team ... except, they get camped so much now. Sigh.

Fyros->Zorai portal, that's new.

Buncha bug fixes.

Some PR zones are open PvP area now, and the Nexus.

Musics to the capital cities.

That's all I can think off right now.

[edit]sorry Neun, missed your post. Errr... wut Neun said.[/edit]

Oh, suggest reading thru these if you truly want to see the details of changes:
Fyrx, Fyros
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Re: Changes to the game ?

Post by basicart »

Ya forgot the MP3 player :D
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Re: Changes to the game ?

Post by iciak »

Is the soloing part just because you don't know many people, and aren't all that good at talking with people you don't know to find a group? If that's the case, if you see me online, drop me a /tell, and I'll come help ya, and introduce you to tons of people. Name is Iciakliage. I think once you meet some folks, and find out how much fun we typically have in groups, running around getting into everything, you'll drop your solo blues and find out where the fun is. :) Look me up. Goes for anyone else, as well.
Iciakliage - Archmage of OmegaV
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