Tracking the thief [player event]

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Tracking the thief [player event]

Post by systemv »

[highlight]Quick and dirty:[/highlight]

Type: Quest Event
When: Sunday May 8th @ 2:00pm EDT , 6:00pm GMT , 7:00pm BST
Where: Gathering in Pyr Karavan TP (Burning Desert)
Length: 1-2 hours (maybe less)

[highlight]The Story:[/highlight]

Vaderino is dead. The goo, eventually, smothered his whole body. The lamps of Yrkanis are being dimmed in his honor. Luketrin has inherited his duties but has isolated himself in mourning.

I can only blame myself for this terrible situation. Luke was like a brother to me, seeing him filled with such hate pains me.

I’m determined to get to the bottom of this. In Pyr’s shiftier part of town I met a fellow who had heard the name of Leiazis. I paid him a tremendous amount of daps to gather any information for me. Recently I was sent an urgent message from him to meet in the Burning Desert. I’m hoping the information he offers will help me track down Leiazis but I don’t know what I’ll be up against. I may be asking too much of you all but... will you help me again friends? Your support in being there would ease my concerns greatly.

I will empty my coffers if I have to, but again I’m a simple Piker with a meager source of revenue.


I know there isn’t much reward in these events but I’m hoping just getting together with people and fighting for a common goal is enough fun :)

If anyone wishes to donate prizes of any q above 100 please send me a tell in-game. I don’t mind paying for them at a discounted price as well :D
Ballistic Mystix
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Re: Tracking the thief [player event]

Post by danadita »

Count me in, Brave Dagger!! We'll make sure this info gatherer doesn't pull any funny business. He'll come clean or nourish the ground with his blood!
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Re: Tracking the thief [player event]

Post by kostika »

Dagger I will be there. This is my fault after all and I won't rest until I can fix the wrong I have done. And no matter what my guild says, money is not needed. I caused this problem, I will fix it.
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Re: Tracking the thief [player event]

Post by jarko »

ill be there again! Nookie <---

Also im willing to donate some stuff(armor) gimme a tell ingame (nookie)
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Re: Tracking the thief [player event]

Post by systemv »

I have not received any reports from the thief since that last message. I'm somewhat worried. I can only hope that the support that's been offered will be enough to face any challenge presented. Thank you all again.
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Re: Tracking the thief [player event]

Post by jamela »

I feel very bad that we let you down, Dagger. I too would very much like to find Leiazis and bring her to justice. I will be there with a handful of my friends to help.
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Re: Tracking the thief [player event]

Post by micrix »

I will be there. Was with you in Loria and want to know where the case goes...
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Re: Tracking the thief [player event]

Post by boinged »

Hmm, thieves, chases and the 'wrong' side of Pyr - this sounds like fun! Maybe we'll even bump into a few of my old buddies. If it comes to the crunch, they know the score - dapper is worth more than their friendship. Just as long as you know that swings both ways Dagger, if they can pay too...
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Re: Tracking the thief [player event]

Post by becca92 »

I'll definately go... I'd hate to miss an event like this... and I believe I have a few extra q100 weapons/armor I could donate as well
(And I just found out about forums so thats why I only have 1 post)
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Re: Tracking the thief [player event]

Post by systemv »

She got away again. I don't blame anyone though, not much can be done about bad timing. I had hoped to return to the group faster than I had, so if anyone is to blame it's myself. The support that's been shown was enough to lift my spirits, for that I forever thank you.

Questions still persist.

Who is this Leiazis? How far does her network of fiends and henchmen travel? What is the importance of the "recipe?" How does Vaderino play a part in this?

I won't give up in my quest, if anything the loss has bolstered my persistence. It seems she now has the final ingredient to whatever she is concocting. Or does she? Varynkoo is no Slucer and my dealings with the Cute mercenary in the past(I'm not proud of it mind you) never extended above the PR. I will keep my ears open, homins.


Thank you to Ballistic Mystix and The Samsara for helping with the setup, it may seem like a small contribution but getting characters around the world is no easy task :) . These events could never have been done without you.

I have received several donations for this event which I did not have time to integrate into the plotline but I'd like to thank Nookie and Rashan for providing them. They will be used in the next one for sure!

Finally I want to thank Inifuss and Ron for researching and creating the gatekeeper riddles. I thought they were fantastic.
Ballistic Mystix

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