i did put it on a suggestion yesterday (and it has been forwarded to the devs), now i'd like to know how other homins feel about it.
as a harvester/crafter these days i need to go 5+ times daily to my appartment. the reason is i buy lots of supreme/exellent pr stuff i cant dig myself to put in my swords.
I need to do this caus i cannot get my own materials if i have to craft tryker/zorai/matis swords. My packers cant take the amount of these mats anymore (wich is more then obvious).
Basicly if I get an order out of burning swords or higher then excellent swords I need to get to my apartment. If I get 3 requests in an hour time I have to run 3 times. (costs me some money too, but thats another discussion) I cant keep the mats for 4 different races in my packer and costs me a lot of time to hump to pyr a lot of times in a day (+ I need to grab the mats and tp back to stock them too)
So I would like to be able to tp right into ur apartment. This is not a complaint just maybe a suggestion to remove something slightly annoying.
Any thoughts?
appartment tp
Re: appartment tp
in favour of TP to apartment
also in favour of allowing you to give TP tickets to your apartment to others or at least allowing you to let others in so you dont have to TP back to where they are.
also in favour of allowing you to give TP tickets to your apartment to others or at least allowing you to let others in so you dont have to TP back to where they are.
Re: appartment tp
nice suggestion havent thought about itdakhound wrote:in favour of TP to apartment
also in favour of allowing you to give TP tickets to your apartment to others or at least allowing you to let others in so you dont have to TP back to where they are.

Re: appartment tp
That would be really useful.
Also, I would like to tp to Guild Hall similarly. That would be even more useful.
Downside would be less homins running in capitals.
I would also like to craft mats directly from apartment when I am in it. This was not possible earlier, dunno if it is fixed yet. I have to check this out and send ticket if needed.
Also, I would like to tp to Guild Hall similarly. That would be even more useful.
Downside would be less homins running in capitals.
I would also like to craft mats directly from apartment when I am in it. This was not possible earlier, dunno if it is fixed yet. I have to check this out and send ticket if needed.
Mikos, Abyss Eye
Re: appartment tp
A tp ticket to apartment that never disappears (special purchase maybe) would be nice. Also a TP ticket for the GH's as an add-on would be nice also.
Re: appartment tp
would be misused as a free ticket to pyr in the end? i'm unsure bout the tp to the gh certainly for none high officers and higher as i do want to see some peeps running in the city now and thenkostika wrote:A tp ticket to apartment that never disappears (special purchase maybe) would be nice. Also a TP ticket for the GH's as an add-on would be nice also.

Re: appartment tp
Nice idea, but it will create problems. An apartment ticket, which won't be destroyed, is a ticket to the city, which won't destroy. It can be abused quickly.
Re: appartment tp
Oh there are certainly problems with the idea. But if the (one time) ticket price was nearly as high as the apratment price it might even it out some. And the person would still need to buy TP tckets for other cities.archerke wrote:would be misused as a free ticket to pyr in the end? i'm unsure bout the tp to the gh certainly for none high officers and higher as i do want to see some peeps running in the city now and thenbut it might be considerred
I think the same could be done for guild halls as an add-on the guild could buy. Again still gotta buy TPs to other places.
I don't really see a problem with it being used a ticket to their home town. It is their home after all. I don't see that as misuse.
just an idea....

Re: appartment tp
I would like to be able to view my rooms inventory from anywhere, like I can with my packer. And then check stats on my stuff without the need to take it out...
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Ryzom Wiki
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Evolution member.
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Suspected long lost sister of Neun.
Ryzom Wiki
MMO's: If I wanted to play with myself, I would grab a magazine and a box of tissues.
Re: appartment tp
hans1976 wrote:I would like to be able to view my rooms inventory from anywhere, like I can with my packer. And then check stats on my stuff without the need to take it out...
The problem is that rooms and GH are only 'generated' (instanced) when someone enters them. Different form mules (static always available).
For them to change the way the inventory is visible would require (i guess) a huge rework of the code.
We all seem to want the same thing, lets hope the Devs find a way to 'work around' their original development choices.
I would love to see the following:
Allow visitors in the Room/appartment
Allow me to view whats in the GH or Appartment (extra button to generate the room contents as a list) when outside.
Be able to sell my appartment.
Multiple appartments
Differenent size of appartments (larger inv, different decor, more expensive)
See who lives in the same appartment block as me!
I don't see a problem with a tp to appartment, same cost as normal tp ticket! (no free passes plz, thats what spawns are for *wink*)