Haunted Sleep
I awoke this morning, the sweat pouring from me like water over the falls around my sweet Liberty Lake. A sense of dread filled me, chilling me to the bone. As the sweat began to cool on my skin I started to shiver. I almost started to shake, but reaching for a bottle I calmed my nerves. The things that had disturbed my slumber were now but fleeting memories, the screams mere echoes and the taste of blood no more than a dryness in my throat. I applied more liquor to my parched throat and stumbled from my bed to break my fast.
I gutted the fish I had caught yesterday. I really should have prepared them before retiring for the night, but after peeling off my wet clothes I must admit my pipe and chair were a far more tempting prospect than spilling the innards of my catch. It was a substantial catch as well. I have enough fish to keep my belly full for days. It occurred to me that I may well have enough fish to last for the rest of my days. Who knows what lays around the corner in these times. There have been many strange happenings of late.
Speaking of strange, I have noticed there are many strange faces around the streets of Fairhaven. This can only be good. As our ranks swell we can only grow in strength, that is if we can keep our fellow homins from fighting with each other. I have nothing but contempt for the past deeds of some of the other races we share Atys with, surely I need not remind you of the disgraces of the Zorai, but that is in the past and we must face the future together. Only then can we rid this land of the plated menace that blights our lives.
I fear for this evening, it seems as if the dark shadows that stalked my dreams are waiting somewhere out there. Waiting to swallow us up and doom us to an eternal night. Only we can preserve the light, with my homin brothers and sisters by my side I shall still fear the dark, but I shall never waver.
May Jena bless us all, as we will need all the help we can get.
My mark on the page.
Moderators: The Soothsayer, Lanist, Xaphon Zessen
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