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Bugs independent of Patch number

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 6:38 pm
by yumidan
When you are swimming on your mount and try to sit down, the sys info say nothing. Normally you should receive the message: "You cannot use an action while you are swimming".

How to reproduce:
Sit down while swimming on your mount

Set the message : "You cannot use an action while you are swimming". for this restricted action.
Raw Mats Source Windows doesn't show Source info on mouseover, if there are some sources nearby.
Also the source items are flickering forth-back, when some sources are overlaying.

How to reproduce:
Make some sources nearby and see

Your Mount Mektoub can become invisible.

How to reproduce:
Mount your Mektoub, switch to the 1st person view and unmount.
Now switch to 3rd person view and look around around - no more mektoub, only in target window.
You can do this everywhere and everytime.
The Mektoub will become visible
again after mount in the 3rd person view (use F7).


Comment: The bug exist since 4-5 Weeks. Probably longer ...

Re: Bugs independent of Patch number

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 6:57 pm
by yumidan
Traduction Errors in German language Version:

-- In Character Creation Screen there is an error in the German language Version during the creation of a female Matis-Char. The Button for Mouth-width is named
"Augenbreite", need to be renamed to "Mundbreite"

-- the first 5 Mektoub Packers at the stableboy are named "Pack-Mektoub", the next 5 (the rapid ones) are named "Mektoub Packtier"...there should be the same
names for all like in english version

english name: "Concentrated Forage Bale"
wrong translation:
"konzentrierten Heuhafen"
Correct translation: "konzentrierten Heuhaufen", better "konzentrierter Heuballen"

english name: "Barrel"
wrong translation: "Trommel"
Correct translation:"Lauf"

english name: "Armor Shell"
wrong translation: "Munitionsummantelung"
Correct translation:"Rüstungspanzer"

english name: "Fine Refugee Boots of Durability"
wrong translation: "Fein Flüchtlingsstiefel der Dauer
Correct translation:"Feiner Flüchtlingsstiefel der Haltbarkeit"

english name: "Excellent Burning Stavon Sword"
wrong translation: "Exzellent Brennendes Stavon Langschwert..."
Correct translation:"Exzellentes brennendes Stavon Langschwert..."