Raynez and Starflow Wedding

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Raynez and Starflow Wedding

Post by clwilcox »

With sweat on my brow, I stood before Flipple as he announced the materials to produce the love potion. I had been planning this moment for many many days. My thoughts turned to Starflow, standing beside me, ah my love Star had no idea what I had in store for her. Axi was next to her, fully aware of my intentions and helping me collect what was needed... my thoughts were interuppted when I heard Flipple yell 'GO!!' .. immediately focused as I've never been focused before, I went after the harder ingredients to get, the ragus fang, gingo leather and kippee shell... running faster and faster I found myself in a den of Ragus and Gingos. They could not stop me, 2 dead now then 3, 4 I'd killed 8 and still no ragus fangs, only one left steel-eyed we raced toward each other.....

Racing back toward yrkanis with bruises and blood running down my arm, I collected the eye which Starflow had worked hard to get, no knowing that eye would be my eye for her. Axi and Xel both came up with the yubo nail.. I had it all, my heart started racing..

Next I know I found myself at Flipple handing them over to him...my heart starts going faster.. and then he finally calls an end to the contest, had I won? Was it me..?

Then he smiled at me and I knew, looking toward Star smiling... she looked a little bewildered as to why I was the one giving the parts and not Axi.

Oh you will find out soon enough my love, I thought to myself and with one final breath I supplied my poem.

With my heart out, I asked Starflow to be my wife.

And with that my eyes and thoughts on Starflow, I knew no happiness as when she said Yes!!!!!!

Here is the proposal

Here is the Official Invitation (done by my love, Star)

You are all invited to attend our wedding! Come one and come all for a joyous event in the making.

The wedding will be:

Sunday, March 6th @ 8 pm (GMT)

The wedding party will be leaving from the Yrkanis gates at 7:45 pm (GMT) enroute to the location. It will be a short trip so no worries.

Again I would like to thank everyone who will be able to attend our blessed union. :-)


I have chosen and asked Neun to be my best man
and Fuchuan to be Star's Guard of Honor during the ceremony.

And for all of you that don't know what potion contest I am talking about.. here's the link


'Who finally found his shining Star'
Last edited by clwilcox on Fri Feb 25, 2005 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Raynez and Starflow Wedding

Post by teayuen »

When the love potion message flashed across my screen, I could not believe my eyes... I was in shock! It was one of those moments where everything around you stops and all you can hear is your own heart beat. I found myself in tears... tears of joy... as it was beyond everything I wished for... even in the most perfect dream.

Raynez, you have made me the happiest girl on Atys...!

It is my greatest joy to extend our invitation to all homins (and the CSR team - for organising the love potion that led to this lovely event)... I hope you will be able to witness our special day!
Elders of Atys
Raynez's Fianceé (Wedding 6th March!)
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Re: Raynez and Starflow Wedding

Post by mikelaw »

GZ to you both, btw Starflows avatar made me laugh so much poor ikle Mr Ray smaller then his wife to be :P

Note: Cant wait for a zorai female to marry a male tryker :P or other way around :P

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Re: Raynez and Starflow Wedding

Post by kibsword »

How could I miss my son's wedding eh?

Well done you two :)
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Re: Raynez and Starflow Wedding

Post by iphdrunk »

Congratulations Rayne/Raynez :D

Best regards and wishes

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Re: Raynez and Starflow Wedding

Post by vin99 »

Grats you 2 :D
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Re: Raynez and Starflow Wedding

Post by borg9 »

Starflow, you are one mighty fine lady to capture this wandering soul!

Raynez, my brother of blood, the time to settle down is here!

I know you will both be very happy and I wish you all the best the world has to offer. May all you problems be little ones (children :o ).

So congratulations to you both, may the past be forgotten and the future be in safe hands. A union between Matis and Tryker is the best place to start.

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Re: Raynez and Starflow Wedding

Post by kibsword »

borg9 wrote:May all you problems be little ones (children :o ).
Take your time, Im enjoying the time of just being mother and not Grandma kibs :p
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Re: Raynez and Starflow Wedding

Post by sx4rlet »

Grats Rayn!

May you both prosper!
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Re: Raynez and Starflow Wedding

Post by threbus »

Congratz Rayne and Starflow :)

I'll do my very best to be there :D
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