As a Neutral, friend of the Ayts people, not a follower of the cults. I am currently in a position to hold talks between guilds of any faction.
I am not interested in guild secrets and will be investing much of my time exploring and investigating myself. However, I will be doing my best to set up a central infromation store for sightings, etc.
If you are a Guild leader or High officer with authority, please feel free to share your findings. The purpose is to unite Atys and defeat the evil that the Kitin bring.
Mecenery guilds - yes information that is worth while will be paid for, but infomation freely given, may give you a greater reward.
Should you wish to have a voice on the council, please speak up. I have no underlying motivation or hidden agenda. This is purely an information service, I seek nothing but to share.
Offer of a hosted site will be of interest (PM me).
As with all things - TRUST is the key to success here.
Unity will crush our common foe and restore peace to our lands.