I thought I'd bring you a brief report of last night's PvP event in the Matis Arena. The event was arranged between The Grand Alliance and the Triangle of Truth, as a friendly battle between Kami and Karavan followers. Apologies for the insane zoom level on these screenshots, but since all non-competing homins remained outside of the PvP area itself, I had to find a nice wide-angled spot to take them
A Meeting of Factions
The forces met at the entrance to the Matis Arena at 7PM GMT, and began to split off into their respective teams. Early on, it was clear that the TGA forces outweighed the ToT forces by some number, due to absent ToT members. It was eventually decided to add some weight to the ToT side from the crowd of spectators, to keep things fun and fair. After some greetings and a little organisation, it was off into the arena for the combatants. The eager spectators began to choose their vantage points around the grand battlefield, and the forces chose their 'half' of the arena. The stage was set for battle!
Round 1 got under way, and the two forces (slowly) engaged each other in the middle of the arena. Spells began to fly and swords began to strike, and soon all participants were engaged in battle. Homins were falling on both sides, but TGA had the upper hand from the beginning. They closed in on the ToT forces, and won the round is reasonably quick fashion. Unfortunately, some people didn't quite hear the 'End of Round 1' shout, and were obviously thirsty for action
With a resounding victory going to TGA in round 1, the ToT really needed a good result from round 2. Everyone was back on their feet, and the sides clashed once again. Round 2 was a bit more balanced, and the ToT forces seemed to be holding out well. Just out of my camera range (oops should have been watching radar) Xorte made a great run along the side of the arena, and began hitting the TGA forces from the flank with some mighty spells, helping to take down 2 TGA players in the process In the end, it was to be another round for The Grand Alliance, and victory in the PvP Event! Hoorah!
With the main event decided, Spriteh called for a final round, a round of last mand standing free for all! This would be messy, and quite fun Although some players chose not to participate in the FFA round, there were still a good number in the arena for the finale. Once again spells started to fly, and Homins clashed together in battle. In places there were small teams, ganging up on targets and thinning the crowd. However, in the end everyone would be forced to turn on each other, until the arena was full of Homins in need of a heal or two