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Re: Petition to unban Doubletap from forum and klients

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:26 pm
by totnkopf
yea, sorry basic, hun... I gotta think that if they're having discussions its more about the reasons of a ban rather than "hows the weather there?". I can understand that perhaps they're not seeing eye-to-eye or that they're misunderstanding each other, but DT has to have some idea was to why he was banned.

Also, they've admitted that its not a permanent ban (and refer to it as a suspension), so presumably they will allow him back on the forums at some point.

Re: Petition to unban Doubletap from forum and klients

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:35 pm
by basicart
Why should i myself beleave someone i dont know? over someone i do?

Re: Petition to unban Doubletap from forum and klients

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:43 pm
by pinguini
basicart wrote:Why should i myself beleave someone i dont know? over someone i do?
Have you ever been in a situation where two of your friends had a fight and you heard two completly different stories?
Well most people have and I think that this might just be the case only that the second part here can not tell you one thing.
Now does that mean that the other side is a bunch of liars? I don't think so.
But to be completly ignorant about that little information that has been given doesn't help either!

Re: Petition to unban Doubletap from forum and klients

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:01 pm
by basicart
Yes but as ya say thats 2 friends having a fight i have never played with a EE GM as i have DT and our old GM's so i am inclined to be one sided and only want to bleave my friends, nothing wrong with it IMO just as you are inclined to beleave your friends and your GM's. Its your choice to make, we just wanted to show our suport and thread was hijacked out from under us. Mods seems to aloue there fans to say and act as they wish...IMO

Re: Petition to unban Doubletap from forum and klients

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:43 pm
by pinguini
First of all, it's not "my GMs" but everyone's GMs on the English speaking server.
It might be different to what you were used to, but that's no reason to bash everything that they say in here and that is my opinion.
And second, since you simply don't want to listen to anything that ppl ,with a different opinion than yours, say about this, there is really no point in me discussing this any further. If you want to stick with your opinion no matter what has been said.. well then you have to do that but I don't think it makes a lot of sense that you keep repeating yourself over and over.

Re: Petition to unban Doubletap from forum and klients

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:47 pm
by memiki
Well, BAsic if you played with the NA GM's you must of been in the special elite group then, cause I never ever saw one of them

oh I take that back one time, mind you one time in all the time I played did I see a gm. I got stuck and they had to come and get me out and was gone.
Not saying I didn't talk to them on Kilent. I always said hi to everyone sometimes got answers and sometimes not, but it was really hard cause I was always there.

Basic I really don't think anything I or anyone else says will get through to you. I already had experience with you once and even then no one could convince you other wise. So that is your right. But you should try and listen sometime to other people. You might be surprised what you learn.

Re: Petition to unban Doubletap from forum and klients

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:06 am
by basicart
Wy should i change my views im entitled to my opinion as are you, just leave it as that. Every thing i have said and posted here has been my opinion and i say as much in those posts. Just becuse you do not agree with me dose not meen that im wrong or that you are. Post your views on the matter and walk away dont start flaming other players.

Whos was it that said nobody really knows anything we just beleave in other peoples opinions? :D

Re: Petition to unban Doubletap from forum and klients

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:37 am
by memiki
Do you mean when I said this

Think on your own and not be lead by others.

well you are right and you are entitled to your own opinion. I don't really feel I was flaming anyone. If you took it that way I apologize.

You have your opinion I have mine. so we both do. but I also can see another point of view.

Case rested you will hear no more from me. You know how I feel and that is I made my point. Perhaps everyone should do the same.

Play the game and enjoy that is what we pay for.

May you have the best of luck in life and may you walk in Beauty

Re: Petition to unban DoubleTap from forums and Klients

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:47 pm
by riveit
glipe wrote:It's a contentious issue at the moment in America. They are currently working under two heading; libel and criminal libel. The former needs a case to be brought against it but the latter is actually illegal (burden of proof or "actual malice" lies with the prosecutor). Some states believe the criminal libel issue goes against the 1st but it's still being upheld in most states since the 1964 Supreme Court ruling (New York Times vs Sullivan).
Thanks for the fascinating detail, Glipe. :) Yes criminal libel, usually used for political libel against the state officials, is still on the books in 17 states. But from what I read, it is mainly a historical artifact, rarely used (77 times in the last 40 years), and consistently struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court since New York Times v. Sullivan in 1964. ... tentID=699

In any case, the vast majority of libel cases in the US are civil cases.

Re: Petition to unban Doubletap from forum and klients

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:44 pm
by brithlem
Few thoughts here....

I don't think it's AA Vs. Euro Players here ... by design ... I simply think that the AA players (one of which I am) have seen DTs contributions to the shards, playerbase, knowledge base, and game as a whole for far longer than any of the EE players... and this is what the rift is forming about. Not geography. As for the GMs.... I've had no major qualms with either GM base... I'll certainly give the edge to jolk in speediness of reply though... other than that both groups seem... to me... to be helpful and accomodating whereever possible.

Am I saying that DT should be allowed back on the forums / in klients because "he does not know why he was kicked" .... no ... Frankly if he does or doesn't know and whatever it is he did is between him and the GMs ... I respect his privacy enough to leave it at that.

What I am saying is that DT gives a whole heap to this game ... make the game better for lots of players ... helps... answers questions... educates newer players... has ethics...

Everything you could want from a player... and this is what my post is about... the players... even the ones who haven't started playing yet.

Yes, I understand you can't viloate the CoC with regard to CSR treatment... and I agree ... abusing CSRs cause you get upset is wrong. But I put the players first in my eyes... because we're the ones paying to be here... not getting paid. Losing DT would be akin to losing Gfunk... flat out a shard leader in the eyes of many many people. One that could well have a negative impact on the (very limited) playerbase...

While I'm not defending whatever it is got DT banned for doing... I am saying that losing the presence of a person of his calibur in all of the help / community tools for players.... is a huge loss.

A Doubletap is a terrible thing to waste,