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Re: Dear Players (OP related)

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:03 am
by marct
rushin wrote:it's not the game mechanic that is really the problem here.

polite enough?
Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

Re: Dear Players (OP related)

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:29 am
by marct
cloudy97 wrote:Nah...
* Enemy tribes should attack outposts at a regular basis. Raising the difficulty every week or so, until eventually they win it. The OP then becomes PVE.
Not a bad idea. Maybe 12 hours notice of an impending attack from a tribe. This should be guild + guards vs. tribe??? That way a guild cannot hold an OP that they do not have the merit to hold. I would also pose a moratorium on someone whom has lost an OP declaring on any OP in this situation. You lost to a tribe, you cannot redeclare for a week.

Also, make the initial attack versus the tribe be Guild v. tribe.

Re: Dear Players (OP related)

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:35 am
by alibasil
marct wrote:You lost to a tribe, you cannot redeclare for a week.
I especially like this idea because a losing guild/side wouldn't tell others that they just lost their outpost. I can imagine it would give a good reason to check on other active outposts to see which had been "freed" - its always nice to just go for a walk :)

Re: Dear Players (OP related)

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:41 am
by iwojimmy
More outposts..
acquired by diplomatic and/or economic means
.. as was "promised" to us way way back in the good old days :)

Get those tribe Outposts Officers to start doing their jobs, setting missions and goals a guild has to meet to slowly purchase the right to attack a non-PvP outpost.

Some kind of upkeep should be paid on those, in tribe fame missions ( as an already existing game mechanism ) . Your guilds rating with the Outposts 'landlords' should bleed whilst in ownership, requiring constant replenishment, and if it falls below -say- 50% of the acquisition level, you are out on your ear, and another guild who may have been sitting on the threshold, gets to challenge the NPC guards.

These OPs would require more player involvement and effort than the twice-a-week PvP battle outposts, but the Mission based upkeep would allow diggers, crafters and hunters to all contribute.

/edit. this would also cause the non OP owning guilds to do missions.. to positiion themselves for when an OP becomes available.. The biggest problem with people becoming bored, is not having goals to work towards, re-vitalising the fame may help alleviate that.

Re: Dear Players (OP related)

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 5:00 am
by vguerin
[OOC]The only thing about making it solely GvG does not really fix anything... like minded folks will just consolidate. Then it would really become a greedfest.[/OOC]

Re: Dear Players (OP related)

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:26 am
by aardnebb
vguerin wrote:[OOC]The only thing about making it solely GvG does not really fix anything... like minded folks will just consolidate. Then it would really become a greedfest.[/OOC]
Ahh, but if you limited the number of OPs a single guild can have you get... a balance. Enough members to take and hold an OP, without being so large the rewards are diluted to meaningless.

Re: Dear Players (OP related)

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:47 am
by sehracii
I don't want pure GvG simply because it removes all aspect of diplomacy from the process. A strong guild would need not be nice to anyone.

Re: Dear Players (OP related)

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:53 am
by raven41
sehracii wrote:I don't want pure GvG simply because it removes all aspect of diplomacy from the process. A strong guild would need not be nice to anyone.
True...but deplomicy is not the greatest atm ...So would it be that big of a change in some aspects

Re: Dear Players (OP related)

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:48 am
by norvic
1 outpost per Guild
Outpost fights GvG only (members have too be in guild for say 2 weeks)
Cats out
Random supp mats/KL in (i dont mean anything like the rate of cats maybe just abit higher than op mats)
Some sort of bonus, for a Civ declared Guild fighting on their own soil
Some sort of Penalty, for a Civ declared Guild fighting on Foriegn soil
Daily missions to be done to Prevent tribe attack
Penalty for attacking same civ
Bonus for attacking opposite faction

Re: Dear Players (OP related)

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:48 am
by andypur1
A few thoughts on these points :)
oldmess wrote:While I appreciate your intent on this one, there's 2 major flaws with it:

1. The NPC's. 30 attackers vs. 30 defenders plus NPC's means attackers always lose.

2. It prevents lower level folks from participating at all. Why fill out my quota of players with anything but 250's or at least 200+ level folks?

I'm not saying this to shoot the idea down completely, but it does highlight that the change needs more work and would be more than just a quick fix, but a full rework of the OP concept.

1. You have to dump the NPC's. That means the OP is defenseless if it gets attacked at a bad time for the defenders. Therefore,

2. Make a single attack round, but make it so both guilds have to agree to the timing.
1. Each defender replaces one or two NPCs, or remove all the NPCs when the defenders are present.

EDIT, of course, would need some other way of dealing with who has one a round.

2. Limit the skills used to the region of the OP. So, only upto lvl 50 skills in the blue regions (ok, maybe a bit higher in the blue regions), upto lvl 100 in the yellow and so on.