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Re: Production: New Player Experience (NPE)

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:19 pm
by petej
soulsnatcher wrote:I had a feeling the "Universe" chat was gonna go down well with you guys and gals

Actualy thats realy bad if anyone remembers it , great if it covers one Land but it just gets spammed with rubbish if all Lands + NPE are connected , if you do connect it all plz give me the option to disable it as I wont be going there :p
kaetemi wrote:so we're getting that sp back then, right? :D

Yup , do we get a Skills reset ?
jamela wrote:I'm not sure I like the thought of missions leading to named pieces of equipment; that's not an introduction to the rest of the game, it's misleading.

Yes plz dont start making the game based on Uber-Loot , its much better as it is now , with Crafters (players) producing the best items

Re: Production: New Player Experience (NPE)

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:42 pm
by kaetemi
cygnus wrote:Are there any plans to include any PvP type element now that everyone will be on the same island?
there seems to be something called "Arena" on the map :)

Re: Production: New Player Experience (NPE)

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 2:45 pm
by raven41
Will you (persay) be able to get to the "kitin jungle" and I cant see clearly do to overlapping words i see "karavan Embassy" is that above it"Kami Enclave" ?

And I do find it somewhat unfair that there is no desert lands there.Why would a Fyros start in the jungle and port to the desert lol...

Unless ofcourse there like me and rain makes them lag so they try to avvoid it :p

Re: Production: New Player Experience (NPE)

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 2:53 pm
by sprite
Can we take it that this is some of the new content that was created "more quickly than before" using some kind of Ring-esque dev-tools? I think it would be nice to know so that we can get some kind of perspective on how flexible/powerful your 'new' devtools are :)

Re: Production: New Player Experience (NPE)

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 3:21 pm
by geezas
Among the missions’ rewards, there should be experience, dappers, and equipment such as weapons, armour and jewels. Those should be reward items specifically designed for the NPE with stats you can't obtain when crafting, and would have a name. For instance, an amp given by the Zoraï mission giver could be called “frost touch”.
Note: the look should be the same as the usual crafted items

A thought on the missions and the rewards, this is not how it works ingame so don't do that. Introducing a 'frost touch' amp will only make new players look for a better frost touch amp on the mainland and won't find one, wich is confusing.

A alternative would be to let the NPC's make items for homins and recieve payments in mats or dappers.

deliver 10 yubo eyes or 10 ql 20 ambers for a ql 20 generic amp
deliver 10 caprini eyes for 10 ql 30 ambers for a ql 30 generic amp
deliver 10 yelk shrooms or 10 ql 50 ambers for a ql 50 generic amp
deliver 10 goari stings or 10 ql 20 shells for a ql 20 generic slashing/piercing weapon of your choice.
deliver 10 yubo skin or 10 ql20 fiber for a ql 20 generic light vest. etc.

It is not hard to get 10 of something and trade it for a usefull item with decent stats. Imo this would be much more educational to players. Foraging, hunting for materials and crafting is a major part of atys life, so why hide that from new players ?

The best possible crafted items on the island should be superior in stats to the NPC sold gear as it is now.

Re: Production: New Player Experience (NPE)

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 3:51 pm
by petej
Another option would just be to scrap the Start Isles alltogether -just have newbies come straight into the Major City of their chosen Race , theyl get all the support they need there , theres no problem with multi-land Skills/Mats and practicaly zero extra work for Nevrax

Re: Production: New Player Experience (NPE)

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:03 pm
by oldmess
petej wrote:Another option would just be to scrap the Start Isles alltogether -just have newbies come straight into the Major City of their chosen Race , theyl get all the support they need there , theres no problem with multi-land Skills/Mats and practicaly zero extra work for Nevrax
Too much temptation by us well-meaning veterans to just give them the keys to the kingdom in terms of equipment. I recently created an alt to remind myself of the feeling of this game from the begining and exploring the newb isle was a joy. I like the idea of making a single, better, newb land.

Re: Production: New Player Experience (NPE)

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:23 pm
by petej
Well I didnt mean to sound negative but realy I dont see theres anything to be gained from keeping the Starter Isles and its certainly less confusing to come to the Mainland rather than being in an area that has aspects from all Lands that you realy shouldnt get into when you start (as some have already posted the availablity of other Races Skills/Materials is going to confuse the hell out of a new player and they are almost bound to nerf themselves -incorrectly Skilled once they do come to the Mainland)

Agree with Ouds point on Vets power lvling newbies too much (spoilt by kindness) , its also the other side of the coin for the new Universe Chat or Vets keeping Alts on the Starter Isle but if new players do want to discover things for themselfs theyl resist these so...

Re: Production: New Player Experience (NPE)

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 8:22 pm
by evalisa
Th global chat will need to be moniterd though, it will lose its usefullness if it becomes a chat room about the local sport team

Re: Production: New Player Experience (NPE)

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 11:30 pm
by khyle
The NPE sounds pretty good to me, as the current four "islands" are often quite empty, save for a few alts producing equipment...
To have lore related as in-game stories is excellent, as well as missions that introduce factions, civilisations, or just about everything else, even if the state of missions on the main continents is behind that; you have to start somewhere, and it means there's a bright future for the main lands as well :)

On the other hand, I dislike the idea of a "universe" channel; I think region is flooded with irrelevant conversation often enough for me to tune out of it completely - I understand that I might be part of a minority, though. If there is to be a universe channel, please patch the "user" channel so that it remembers its settings from one session to the next, i.e. if region/universe/whatever is disabled, it will remain so when I log in the next time.

Also... it's a pity there haven't been any hints in "Under consideration", "In development" or anywhere else...?

Apart from that, I just can't wait to see the new Starter Area - along with the Starters it is being made for ;)