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Re: Petition for modification of the new tiral offer, Please Vote!
Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 4:48 am
by sesune
They sure are, if they re-introduce goo creatures in Void, Witherings ( Zorai mainlands), it would be so challenging and scary. Goo is great as we can live in fear that one day it will consume Atys ^^'
Re: Petition for modification of the new tiral offer, Please Vote!
Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:25 am
by vguerin
I have been around a bit with SoR... I will only say that as impressed as I am with the improved NPE... it does NOT make up for the fact that those of us that have been here from the start are languishing at the same level caps we have been for over a year. I am obviously still paying because of my guild/friends... The NPE is only a giblet and I still weigh subscribing everytime a renewal comes up on why I am here.
We (the community) may attract more folks who are leaving other games... but if you are not interested in R2 (because it doesn't change lack of endgame and can influence the storyline) you are left with few options.
If things do not start meaning anything in SoR, folks like me will soon give up and look for something else... many already have, like me playing something else waiting for SoR to unsuck itself, and the wait is about over.
As important as level caps are, the game meaning nothing hurts us the most. Too many things have ruined the game that DDC previewed to us long ago... Money and such for the developers are not for us to worry about.... Give us the dream that DDC talked about long ago in all the interviews.
Do NOT add rangers and such that you make things generic to sate the non-committed... make this the awesome game/storyline it should be. As seen from all the "Goodbye's", not all of us use this as a soclai interaction program.
SoR has become the game we wish could be like promised... Not the game I thought it would become...
Re: Petition for modification of the new tiral offer, Please Vote!
Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:05 am
by lixivium
I am very new to this game but after only 2 days of the free trial offer, I went straight to town and bought 2 copies of SoR one for me one for my wife.
We have been playing online games for 10 years, beta tested most and feel quite jaded, community is missing from alot of games.
Meridian 59 had a wonderful community and by the end they charged about $30 a month which people paid.
In most games the newbie areas are far more scripted and holding hands its what we expect.
Me and wife are or should be the bread and butter money for mmorpg's but alot overlook us, we aren't that interested in max level or uber items of death giving, we are roleplayers and like a story..
We stay with a game until either the company goes bankrupt or they do something really stupid.
I see lots of my friends leaving SWG, changes in code etc, we left for a different reason, according to SW cannon jedi's were suposed to be rare of the rare, once they changed that SWG became shallow.
EQ/EQ2 lovely storyline but bad community, uberguilds more into beating a video game than immersing themselves into a roleplay.
and sony's constant force of grouping and making it difficult to solo.
WoW shallow kiddies game.
Now Ryzom has a lovely storyline and from what i've seen both the GM's and alot of players seem to actually roleplay.
Play a game for levels, uber equipment, money, and it will always end, developers can't keep up with uber guilds, it shows in alot of games, a developer can take a year planning and balancing a place and an top notch guild can rip that apart in weeks, you will beat the game get bored and move on, play the game for socializing, community and roleplay and you can be there till they turn of the lights.
I may be new to the game but i've been watching the fan sites and forums for awhile and we love the feel of it, we don't mind that its a minor company you don't need uber content for a dream, maybe its about being brought up on text based multi user games and tabletop roleplay + live action.
I love this game already because of the people and story.
Re: Petition for modification of the new tiral offer, Please Vote!
Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:19 am
by ayurveda
lixivium wrote:Play a game for levels, uber equipment, money, and it will always end, developers can't keep up with uber guilds, it shows in alot of games, a developer can take a year planning and balancing a place and an top notch guild can rip that apart in weeks, you will beat the game get bored and move on, play the game for socializing, community and roleplay and you can be there till they turn of the lights.
I so agree...
Re: Petition for modification of the new tiral offer, Please Vote!
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:39 am
by capnhulk
lyranna wrote:As a diehard recruiter like so many others, I like the idea of knowing that the person is on a paying acct when he/she gets to mainland.
On another note as to whether RoS is like mainland or not...
A newbie island is developed and should be for Teaching New Players the concepts and structure and skills of the game. Period. People who are playing mmo's should know this. I personally feel this was something that many complained about for years about SoR and now it is fixed. I'm geeked! I think it is great. Plus they have the universe channel to ask questions in. All good. I played for several hours today on the NPE to get a feel for what was up with it and thought it was enough like mainland to give them an idea of what to expect while also being an awesome tutorial. That is what is needed and that is what they have.
But if the concept and structure of the game are that of a "sandbox" why is the NPE nothing like that? I had no idea Ryzom was a sandbox game until this thread.
Based on the NPE I had it figured for another Hack n' Slash grind-fest. If the events on the mainland aren't anything more than, "Look, I spawned X amount of uber-Y mob! Kill them before they kill you!" then I'm going to be seriously disappointed.
Re: Petition for modification of the new tiral offer, Please Vote!
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 4:50 am
by katriell
capnhulk wrote:If the events on the mainland aren't anything more than, "Look, I spawned X amount of uber-Y mob! Kill them before they kill you!" then I'm going to be seriously disappointed.
Don't worry, the events are quite interesting, and interconnected.
For example, a while back the Tryker governor, Stil Wyler, was assassinated at the signing of a new treaty between the four races. The assassin escaped, but was later captured when making an attempt on the life of the Zoraï Grand Sage, Mabreka Cho at a ceremony in Zora to plant a tree in memory of Wyler. It was found that the ammunition the assassin used in her weapon was tainted with Goo, a cancerous substance that has long been present in various places on Atys, slowly spreading and consuming/mutating all within it. The Trykers, now governorless, held an election to choose a new governor. The outcome of this election was different on each server - here on Arispotle it was a tie between two of the candidates. Lady Ailan became Governess, with Rehn Kirran as Deputy Governor. Later, an enraged kitin attacked an outpost in the jungle. Two homins were controlling it, using some kind of substance. They cheered it on while a large group of players tried to kill the seemingly-invulnerable kitin. Finally the two homins said something about "the elders" not wanting to use the "it" because of rot. So the players started using Rot spells on the kitin and it died. Maybe the substance used to control it was made from Goo? A while before all of this, a member of a group of lawless homins from the old lands, the Marauders, was captured and interrogated. He mentioned that we have something called Matoxia in our lands. Maybe Matoxia is related to the Goo?
That was just what I can remember...there were more recent events. And amid all of those events is an abundance of rumours, hinting encounters, and story threads.
Re: Petition for modification of the new tiral offer, Please Vote!
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:35 am
by apolo
I voted lyranna i dont like to lose good mats and equipment with the ones that lie and dont want to stay in the game...
I dont think it's a restricted trial, in 1 week u arent able to see much in mainlands, maybe u can run to the different lands but not much more
Re: Petition for modification of the new tiral offer, Please Vote!
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:53 pm
by grimboj2
sesune wrote:
When a players pays to get to mainland they should get all that they experienced in the RoS but only better and at the moment there is a huge difference. Its not the case, some players may feel cheated, outraged by what you said 'lack of content'. What I'm asking is: should a potential customer be pressured like this?
I must admit I am very uncomfortable with the current free trial. I tried the game 18 months ago and didnt like its current state, Im here now after trying probly every other game on the market and it seems alright but having to pay before i hit the mainland could be a stopping point for me. I am very familiar with the current stoppage of provided content in the mainland and although RPing is starting to interest me there is an aweful feeling that the second i click 'Pay' im going to regret it. Although I admire this game for being soloable all the way through, I have had fun on the island grouping to kill nameds and am very weary that this is the most fun I will have in the game and will caese when I hit the mainland. I am an mmorpg veteren and am very aware that simply making one friend is the difference between a bad game and a good game and I dont expect endless content but we need to be allowed to make friends on the mainland before our CC comes out.
lixivium wrote:
Play a game for levels, uber equipment, money, and it will always end, developers can't keep up with uber guilds, it shows in alot of games, a developer can take a year planning and balancing a place and an top notch guild can rip that apart in weeks, you will beat the game get bored and move on, play the game for socializing, community and roleplay and you can be there till they turn of the lights.
This is extremely true, unfortunately I always compulsively get caught up in the quest for the next level. When my patience is thin im happier half watching tv half grinding the same mob than running around alone looking for a quest update. Mostly, I think that the quest for the best replaces social interaction and as long as ryzom offers uber guilds of a different sort that make their own events and bind together then it should be a good game.
Re: Petition for modification of the new tiral offer, Please Vote!
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:04 pm
by katriell
grimboj2 wrote:I have had fun on the island grouping to kill nameds and am very weary that this is the most fun I will have in the game and will caese when I hit the mainland.
Join a guild and it won't cease.

Re: Petition for modification of the new tiral offer, Please Vote!
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:23 pm
by simiant
I think the point is that we new people only have hear-say about what goes on in this mainland.. Although it seems to be generally positive, there were a few posts that have me wondering if it'll be worth my money, or if i should just stick with what i know from other games... How do we /know/ the mainland will be fun if we can't experience it without dishing out our hard earned cash, is what they wonder.. (personally i suck at finances, so i'll probably dish it anyway heh)