For me, what Nevrax said about next patch content clearly means this is considered as an exploit.
After months of waiting, devs releases outposts, which are great fun IMO.
Now what are some people doing when they own one ? Exploiting a gameplay mechanism to keep their outpost forever.
This lead to unattackable OPs and prevent other players to have fun with this feature !
So why were you waiting for Nevrax to release the OP for so long ?!?
People are moaning about the lack of content in Ryzom and you transform OP in nothing more than buying a drill, which is not big fun...
People are claming Ryzom community to be the best, but knowing that there is not enough OP for every guild you should figure that it isn't an honorable behaviour...
boinged wrote:So less than half an hours (solo) digging for a stack that we produce only every 2 hours? Can you see what would happen if we did that deal?
well you had a battle against marauders the first day, then used a trick to keep your OP instead of spending time to fight, negotiate or RP for keeping it. You have all the benefits without giving anything in return, that's not what I call production... you're more a shareholder lol

A guy who dig 4 h a day deserve much more crystals than a guy watching his drill producing crystals.
Sorry to say this but your OP gives you a
free daily production, you should think about it when you trade your crystals/mats.
I'm not surprise if people leave this game with this kind of behaviour. This community could be a lot better if people were not so greedy, so selfish...