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Re: HOw to lose 4mil in Dappers without really trying

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 10:57 pm
by varelse
dguy1 wrote:Just curious as to whether standing onthe ramp in Scorched Corridor and nuking tribes that cant get to you because of pathing is an exploit? hehe
Numerous MOTD's have warned players that this is an exploit. I have seen no MOTD's mentioning the use of vendors as storage yet.

Re: HOw to lose 4mil in Dappers without really trying

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:23 pm
by charu
I was not trying t make an issue out of my original post. I was really just poking fun at myself for not paying attention to what I was buying. My in game name is Whisperingwind and was seeing if the person would want to make an arrangement. If the person wanted to keep the money that is there option. They did not force me into buying them and as I stated before it was my own stupidity for not paying attention. I was not trying to place blame on anyone but myself, and I made an offer to replace the mats if they so desired. So if the individual wanted to talk with me cool...if not cool also, no foul and no blame.


Re: HOw to lose 4mil in Dappers without really trying

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:47 am
by varelse
charu wrote:I made an offer to replace the mats if they so desired. So if the individual wanted to talk with me cool...if not cool also, no foul and no blame.

Let this thread be a lesson to all... no good deed goes unpunished, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

For heaven's sake, all charu wanted to do was return this person's precious mats! Without asking for a refund even!

Re: HOw to lose 4mil in Dappers without really trying

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 4:44 am
by jackmor
lariva wrote:Apparently you have not seen an exploit .... let me try to give you a better example of what it might be:

in Beta you could get 250 harvesting in 30 minutes by digging non-existent source - exploit
running in mid-air so mobs cant reach you - exploit
killing with a heal bomb of long range - exploit
duplicated items in your bag - very useful exploit
Dying to a single mob that is 170 levels below you because you cant hit it - not your exploit but the mobs'

a few others I will not mention.

To be consistent:

Buying and reselling items for higher price - not exploit (although many made billions with that when server went live)
Gaining 3000 xp for digging 1 mat - prior to patch 1, not an exploit.
quite a few of others I will keep my mouth shut about since imbalance has not been fixed.
Crafting without limits in your bag

what are the difference between group 1 and 2?
In group 1 - software does not work as intended - programmatic errors allow individuals to take advantage of the system and bypass the security mechanisms.

Group 2 - software does work as intended but has not been balanced / tweaked properly due to ... (insert your reason here). Design errors allow individuals to take advantage of process mechanics.

See the difference?

About the list - why would anyone care?
They are both are exploits. Your just fooling yourself. So is this they are not using the game as its intented. Why buy an apartment when you can use the vender system and get your stuff where ever there is a vender. Dont try to justify cheating just because its not fixed.

Re: HOw to lose 4mil in Dappers without really trying

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:03 am
by xcomvic
jackmor wrote:They are both are exploits. Your just fooling yourself. So is this they are not using the game as its intented. Why buy an apartment when you can use the vender system and get your stuff where ever there is a vender. Dont try to justify cheating just because its not fixed.
i see everyone views on this... but remember you can only put things on a vendor for a limited time... unless you buy them back and then just put them back up for resale...ahhhhh... yea, i see it as a measure to con the system, but what are apartment good for now anyway? Other than storage.... can anyone give me a good reason for an apartment other than storage?

Re: HOw to lose 4mil in Dappers without really trying

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:07 am
by nathan7
I agree with jackmor.... Keeping mats on a vendor at 10mil dapper a piece is not an attempt to sell things. Its obviously a way to store materials and saving space at the same time (EXPLOIT!). Doubletap, you do sell items at 5000% mark up yes, and you dont make deals, correct as well. But how many people do you see selling Living bucklers at a vendor for 4mil dapper? None! Why? I'll tell you why. Its because they are actually trying to sell them and not keep them up on a vendor so they can snatch them when they are ready to use them.

Yes, if someone bought them by accident that is their fault. But I see he did state that he is fine if he does not get his money back as it was his own fault. Personally I do think that it is a shame that we 'have' to use a filter not to get conned. Yes, this is an exploit and I have heard that devs will be looking for these stacks priced at an ungodly amount and destroy them.

Re: HOw to lose 4mil in Dappers without really trying

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:25 pm
by magick1
Let's get some facts straight:

- Sell onto players at markups (max. +99999?); Working as it should.
- Retrive previous sells; Working as it should.
- Sell anywhere in a continent, and retrival in the same continent; Working as it should.

That leads to:

- You sell something somewhere at a price you chose, your are doing as the system intended.
- You retrive something you sold, your are doing as the system intended.

This is not exploiting.
In case of the "harvest, store, retrive" it is not an exploit.
It might not be what the devs wanted/intended, but until it is official frowned upon it is an perfectly ordinary part of the game mechanics.

As I see it, there is a simple solution:
- Players can buy a warehouse, where they can store mats and item.
- Then you add to that the possiblity of paying a NPC to deliver items to the warehouse (world wide would be really nice).
This have the benefits of not changing the excisting merchant system, harvesters+crafters have a place to keep mats for a longterm storage, and if the warehouse is "good enough" you can have large selection of items/mats for sale on requests.

Re: HOw to lose 4mil in Dappers without really trying

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:34 pm
by jackmor
Ive got a better solution. Sellers have to buy back their mats at the price they but them up for sale.

Re: HOw to lose 4mil in Dappers without really trying

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 3:08 pm
by lariva
I'd agree this is a borderline case :) although God as my witness - i have not seen a single motd about it. Maybe someone should send Mail into the mailbox?

varelse wrote:Numerous MOTD's have warned players that this is an exploit. I have seen no MOTD's mentioning the use of vendors as storage yet.

Re: HOw to lose 4mil in Dappers without really trying

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 3:14 pm
by lariva
I'm not fooling myself - intent is very difficult to understand when all you get from ANYONE in nevrax/GMs etc... is "We can not reveal this information, sorry". This is not cheating, this is using a loophole to your advantage - when was the last time you filed taxes? The new year is coming, dont forget to be as honest with Federal Govenrment as you are here.

Not at anyone in particular -
I truly can not stand when people have double standards when it suits them. If someone is trying to tell me that all those people that flamed me here are being honest and never use loopholes - that person is a liar; otherwise - what is the difference between finding loopholes in Courts, Taxation and other Real Life stuff vs. finding a loophole within the game? Everyone became very righteous I see.

jackmor wrote:They are both are exploits. Your just fooling yourself. So is this they are not using the game as its intented. Why buy an apartment when you can use the vender system and get your stuff where ever there is a vender. Dont try to justify cheating just because its not fixed.