boinged wrote:Yes spires will disadvantage faction players in terms of teleporting, which will restore the balance with neutrals being disadvantaged by Chapter 3. I don't know if there are going to be spires in the PR so at least you can still go there
Don't forget they disadvantage your rival faction as much, so at least everyone loses out. I think the tp's have to affect all faction members or otherwise why both fighting over them?
I have to agree completely with your first statement. It will bring back the balance of TP's.
Second, I sincerely hope that PR is included in the spires right off. It seems that is the logical place for most of the fighting to take place at the start. Of course, they better fix the issues with all of the different PvP types and the healing bugs that exist throughout those regions.
Third, I really hope there is some notification that someone is attacking a spire. In this I also hope that it takes a significant amount of work to take the spire. In this I mean that a defensive group could get to the spire to try and maintain control before someone could completely take control.
Question, will the bonuses from spires cross continent? I.e. With Matis and Fyros, there is a portal connection, if both sides of the portal are owned by the same faction is that considered linked in the Spire bonus equation? If not, smaller areas should give bigger bonuses. I.e. Nexus would be a 'single' region and should have an outrageous ownership bonus compared to regions that can be linked together.
I do expect spires to be changing hands quite a bit. I hope it turns out to be low-level content as well as high level content. 50 low levels should be able to take a spire in a low region. In fact, I might even say that high levels shouldn't be able to fight for those. Like it would be capped at a skill level or something. Like region level +100, so that the 50(max combat skill 150) and 100(max combat skill 200) regions could not be taken by high level players. Dunno, just blabbering now. I think that would make an interesting dynamic with the high levels there killing the mobs around the spire, and PvPing openly while the spire battle is ongoing. It would make the high levels mingle and mentor the low-levels too.
Edit: Does attacking a Spire turn your PvP flag on?