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Re: Patch improvements FRIENDLY discusion thread :)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:33 pm
by andymon
I am glad that Nevrax have decided to have the downtime when most people are at work. Currently downloading the patch now, ready for a haircut when I finish work this evening :D

Re: Patch improvements FRIENDLY discusion thread :)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:38 pm
by borg9
helbreat wrote:hmm thats going to take people on dial up forever to download its quite possibly the biggest patch weve had since live
Yep, lets hope its full of juicy content.

Re: Patch improvements FRIENDLY discusion thread :)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:40 pm
by norvic
I read some tweaks coming to ranged combat woot woot woot. Should wait till i get home really and see whats what they prolly decreased range and damage hehe

Re: Patch improvements FRIENDLY discusion thread :)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:42 pm
by helbreat
ive seen a couple of posts people alrdy complaining that this new ranged skill is useless which is kinda dissheartening my ranged combat will prob stay at 21 if it is as useless as the ats people say :(

Re: Patch improvements FRIENDLY discusion thread :)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:44 pm
by blogie
helbreat wrote:ive seen a couple of posts people alrdy complaining that this new ranged skill is useless which is kinda dissheartening my ranged combat will prob stay at 21 if it is as useless as the ats people say :(

Test it and then judge it m8. Best way to knowe if its enny good.

Re: Patch improvements FRIENDLY discusion thread :)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:55 pm
by helbreat
blogie wrote:Test it and then judge it m8. Best way to knowe if its enny good.
ATS is a TEST server they have tested it they will know.... one of the posts said "its bad even at lvl 150"

the people of ATS server said patch 1 was also not ready for release and were they wrong?

Re: Patch improvements FRIENDLY discusion thread :)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:02 pm
by defalgar
i think he meant test it yourself.
and no need to be rude or angry.

Re: Patch improvements FRIENDLY discusion thread :)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:10 pm
by jimmyh
defalgar wrote:i think he meant test it yourself.
and no need to be rude or angry.
Er...I don't see him being rude or angry...nothing wrong with his post actually.

Please don't rutn this into another rant post :;

Re: Patch improvements FRIENDLY discusion thread :)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:19 pm
by zzeii
helbreat wrote:ive seen a couple of posts people alrdy complaining that this new ranged skill is useless which is kinda dissheartening my ranged combat will prob stay at 21 if it is as useless as the ats people say :(
I personally wouldn't call it useless. it does increase the use of ammo, which does impact the dps of the ranged weapons (even moreso on the slower ones like launcher/autolauncher). Which in turn does decrease the time the ammo will last. But higher level harvesting (150+) does reduce greatly the time taken to harvest the mats for it as well.

Pulling 10-11 mats a minute (using gentle speed 3, aggressive rate 5, gentle quality xxx, terrain and mat spec, at level 150), 450 max mats load with just a pick, crafting tool, LA and jewelry. Making for a 45 minute time to load up on mats, providing enough mats for 112 combines, or 2688 bullets. With even a 30 shot/minute rate with the lvl 9 brick of increased shot rate, would leave for an hour and a half of constant fire, making it a 2-1 ratio for time hunting vs time harvesting. Most likely 3-1 given pull/reload/travel time per harvesting trip. This was done using gulatch/mitexi/dung on the bullets, which at lvl 151 were shooting for 293 out of a living matis rifle (forget what exactly I used to make it, had a 31m range or so, used mats found in Knoll of Disent). Not the greatest for solo or healer/gunner duo, but definately a decent addition to a group as puller in my opinion.

The above was done on the ATS, by me and a friend. She played healer, while I used my new boom-stick.

It is an upgrade, and proved to be an improvement over what had previously been on live, at least in my opinion (which people are free to disagree with if they tested it, but it still wont change my opinion). And they have said it was the first improvement that was intended for ranged combat in the 3 part series that is to be 'Chapter 2', so there should be more to come.

Re: Patch improvements FRIENDLY discusion thread :)

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:21 pm
by endasil
Seems like a wonderful patch, lots of improvments. :)