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Re: Misconceptions about fame

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 7:53 am
by raynes
neiana wrote:To respond to your two comments.

I am arrogant. :D

And second, Raynes started a thread: Frustration and disappointment. This thread has reached 9 pages I believe. In this thread, the issue that I responded to Raynes with was brought up a few times. I personally posted several times to that very thread with the fact that - everything Raynes did on the ATS, I have done personally on LIVE server.

My response was presuming that Raynes had actually read through every comment on his epic thread. Now, he did infact respond to one of them, saying that he could not kill the tribes in Witherings, but I did not yet respond to ask him to try somewhere else. :P I figured he did not get xp elsewhere or else he would have been elsewhere trying - considering the numerous posts in his thread that state: Yes, on the LIVE server, everything he just tested has been the case for quite some time.

Oh, and to reiterate, I am arrogant. :D

- N

To be totally honest, no I haven't read every responce in that thread. The reason being that a certain point the subject was no longer concerns about fame recieved during events (as was the original intention) but instead when on to other things. I created this thread becuase the subject of how fame is gained and awarded is seperate of the other topic. Yes they are related but they are still two different topics.

Next time just be a little nicer in your responce. There is no need to turn mean and nasty.

Re: Misconceptions about fame

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 7:57 am
by khayne
savvy wrote:Don't you mean loose fame not xp?
Don't you both mean lose not loose?

Sorry, one of my pet peeves because I see about 99% of people make that same mistake and it pisses me off.

Re: Misconceptions about fame

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:15 am
by neiana
^ Grammar Nazi.
raynes wrote:To be totally honest, no I haven't read every responce in that thread. The reason being that a certain point the subject was no longer concerns about fame recieved during events (as was the original intention) but instead when on to other things. I created this thread becuase the subject of how fame is gained and awarded is seperate of the other topic. Yes they are related but they are still two different topics.

Next time just be a little nicer in your responce. There is no need to turn mean and nasty.
I do have a bad habit of using CAPS instead of italics which tends to make things look like I'm being a lot ... less polite.

I did apologize though, and that's something you'll find quite rarely of me (Being so arrogant and all :D ). I did make an assumption and my response was partly based on that, and partly based at the frustration of actually having written some of those posts (and there are others that offered the information) then going through it again here.

Anyway, it seems that others that posted within that thread did not find the answer, so your work is not for naught. At the very least, this answers the questions in the first few posts rather than several pages in.

And Khayne :D One of my pet peeves is people who can't find a better word to use than word pet peeves. ;)
Sorry, one of my pet peeves because I see about 99% of people make that same mistake and it pisses me off.
Now, just because you brought it up, I'm going to comment. Your statement is actually part sentence fragment and part run-on sentence rolled together in a delicate blend of herbs and spices. First, you entirely missed a verb and noun in the opening, and second you didn't separate the two "sentences" with a comma. Actually, it looks like there are three sentences here. Your second two are properly built, but lacking separation, while the first is the real issue.

I hope everyone realizes this is just to picknit at the nit-picker. :D

- N