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Re: Front-Report Special Keriann Edition

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 1:28 am
by xenofur
oh and miss kitty, i had a look around in matis today, made a noobchar, switched directly to yrkanis and went to the arena, as we had an event there today
i saw some scowling gingos, yea, but none of them managed to get within 40 meters of me, so i'd say it's pretty secure to travel there =)

Re: Front-Report Special Keriann Edition

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 9:01 am
by fellgrim
xenofur wrote:oh and miss kitty, i had a look around in matis today, made a noobchar, switched directly to yrkanis and went to the arena, as we had an event there today
i saw some scowling gingos, yea, but none of them managed to get within 40 meters of me, so i'd say it's pretty secure to travel there =)
Narrator: "And Xenofur, with no JJM to kick around any more, continues to troll for new victims to torment..." ;)

Re: Front-Report Special Keriann Edition

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 12:56 pm
by xenofur
mind telling me where in this post i trolled her?

Re: Front-Report Special Keriann Edition

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 4:03 pm
by kisedd
euwest wrote:pikes are the best weapons in the game atm. you need really well made daggers to approach the lvl of a decent pike.

and non-piercing is just.. meh.
granted i carry a pike, 2 daggers, a 2h sword, and a 2h mace at all times... but that's just cause they look nifty =)
I won't go so far to say they are the best. If you miss, Jenna help you.

Daggers are a bit too weak overall at the moment, however they are great for getting argo. They need to reduce the stam costs on using daggers and increase their damger per minute by a little.

Swords certainly rule on certain mobs. While ignore armor is nice, it costs credits. Better to change to a sword and take advantage of other attacks.

Re: Front-Report Special Keriann Edition

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 5:11 pm
by borg9
Scowilng gingo = 133 HP damage 3 hit wonders

Re: Front-Report Special Keriann Edition

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 9:41 pm
by aelvana
Keriann, what level are you? That's the important factor as far as what you can handle. If you ask a level 100, you'll hear they don't pose any risk at all, and can be killed in a couple hits. If someone about level 10 gave you an answer, you'd hear that they're impossible to kill. It's all relative to your level though.

Re: Front-Report Special Keriann Edition

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 9:49 pm
by xenofur
she's level 45(same as me) and apparently without any hp-boosting equip :/

Re: Front-Report Special Keriann Edition

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:22 pm
by eschiava
No HP boosts? Yikes!

IN that case I strongly suggest killing some herbivore of the highest level that can safely be handled. After a few hours of thi,perhps in a group there will be enough mats to seel and then buy some q50 or q 70 jewelery.

A full set of q70 gives an additional 350 hp, which against gingos is a HUGE advantage! I'm guessing armor is an issue too then? Hey, it takes a little work, but it is doable, even when avoiding the local carnivores until better equipped. :)

Re: Front-Report Special Keriann Edition

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:58 pm
by daleknd
euwest wrote:pikes are the best weapons in the game atm. you need really well made daggers to approach the lvl of a decent pike.

and non-piercing is just.. meh.
granted i carry a pike, 2 daggers, a 2h sword, and a 2h mace at all times... but that's just cause they look nifty =)
I'm not so sure that I agree with that.

I use a 1 hand axe. In many fights I see my pike wielding brethren of comparable skill missing much more often than I do. My damage per swing is somewhat less but the higher swing rate makes up for it. This often results in my taking aggro away from the tank which is not healthy considring the light/medium armor I wear.

humble forager of the Fyros

Re: Front-Report Special Keriann Edition

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:17 am
by fellgrim
xenofur wrote:mind telling me where in this post i trolled her?
Actually, trolling was a poor choice of words on my part.

I believe 'baiting' would have been much more appropriate.

I have this mental image of this kitten trap that you've got this big bowl of milk right on the edge of...

I kinda liked your baiting of JJM too...unfortunately he was rather too fond of flailing around like a retard ;)