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Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 4:05 am
by zzeii
hivewasp wrote:I'd rather see it's duration a tad longer... 1 tank + 1 healer + 2 mobs = playing ping pong
Actually I've found when you have 2 mobs, have the tank taunt 1, then start breaking out circle swing on the other, should be enough to keep both mobs off the healer if the tank is on the ball about it. Has worked well from level 40-135+. (Now if you are fighting things that can kill your tank in 2 hits, then I'd suggest popping melee protection aura, that ability is awesome, 0 melee damage and you can still attack, AND it affects everyone in your team! Or just fight things that wont kill the tank in 2 hits)


Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:40 am
by a02chrha
As you grow in melee skills, taunt should increase in range too, since you start take on bigger mobs in team and such. At this lvl mobs has aggro range longer than your taunt making it kinda useless and leaving mages to acid pull etc..

make it increase in range when you progress =)


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 12:29 pm
by jackmor
syneris wrote:I thought that the penalty lowering range was removed but i might be mistaken.
20m is a very good range for taunt. It's great for pulling most mobs. Also is good for the tank to pull off the puller at a much further range than before.

I just tried taunt again after last patch. I wanted to see if what you had said was true. It is not, heavy armor reduces the taunt distance and that does not make sence. If you are a puller some heavy armor is required.


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 4:34 pm
by kibsword
taunt should be increased a bit imo, if u try to taunt a gingo u have to go almost into it's range