zzeii wrote:-The price for wondermats are up, encouraging people to underprice the vendors to get their mats to sell faster.
-The return price on gear that was grinded out on poor mats is down, but the ease of selling choice made gear has gone up.
-Only if you purely use vendor purchased (npc items), if you buy what the players sell your costs will probably be lowered considerably.
Again, what do you grind with if you're a young crafter? I can't find 1000 seeds and 1000 amber...no one sells bulk q50 grinding mats except for...NPCs. I'm sure you'll come back with an argument there will be a player that does. I hope that's the case... but as a 98th level harvester I can't imagine someone going out, spending 10 hours harvesting this quantity, and putting it on the vendor. Your packer is too small, your bag too small, and the profit level isn't there. Much better off as a harvester concentrating on choice mat spots. Might as well take the NPC mats off the vendor as the only thing they're good for is grinding material.
-poor example using magic amps since the skill is currently based off from 51 now (close combat crafting) which is currently bugged, and they are working on a fix for that (if you were 51 in melee weapon craft pre-patch, the new branch is greyed out and you recieve no xp from crafting magical amps).
-Higher failure rates applied to magical amps (above q60)
Yep, and the bug has been known for 4 weeks on ATS, even reported in French. Shame on them for rolling out a patch with it, and a mini patch that ignored this.
And the 'failure' rates in general have been a known issue since the game began. You don't get 85% success...you get 60%, with a bunch of degraded items. The CC failure rates are well above this.
2 days on newb isle you could get to 50+ in armor and melee weapon craft and be sitting on a nice 500k+ dappers, just doing missions. And this doesn't seem a little wrong? And again, your calculation are based off from using the npc items, not player sold.
Where do I begin? Yes, if you want to craft exclusively and run only crafting missions you could get rich under the old system...assuming you ignored the trees that didn't give missions, which I for one haven't. But...most crafters immediately poured their mission earnings back into grinding more. It was the only way they could afford the loss rates.
Now...you can't. There's frankly no reason to ever take an overseer mission - if you want to waste money to increase fame, you can just take a welcomer mission. Costs less, and gives you 1 fame point per mission rather than 1/5th a point.
And the source of income for young crafters to pay for grinding is gone. Items crafted by senior crafters with much lower failure rates will cost less than what you can produce using player mats, so can't make money that way. Can't make money running missions. And Heaven help you if you make jewelry...never degrades, so every q50 set ever made is still out there. Good luck trying to level in that if you can't pay for it somehow.
How they grind without being harvest or melee specialists I don't know. Do I think that there should be a level cap on overseer missions so you can't milk run 200k every 90 minutes? Yeah, at some point. That's what you have senior overseers for giving q100 missions. But the way this is done just destroys newbie and lowbie crafters.
between this and the previous point, your calculations are off.
Not really. At the very least, this means a lot fewer crafters coming in = less supply = higher pricing. I've pushed jewelry and armor prices up between 50-200% already and they're selling like hotcakes. Probably won't be on the upper end of my estimates given it looks like we might be able to get a reasonable amount of player mats with the harvest fix, but grinding costs have gone way way way up, and pricing is going to reflect this even for higher end crafters.
What really irks me is this makes the least newbie friendly MMORPG out there even less newbie friendly. More expensive gear, very very difficult to level up to craft your own gear...not good.
Why the second least played class in the game (after ranged weapons fighters, which I am as well) had this happen I frankly don't understand.
I like some of the changes - selling stuff on vendors is useful, and reducing plan costs a bit helps me take more plans in general (along with halving ammo costs) - but I am not going to sit quietly while I watch an entire generation of people below me get the shaft. It might help you (and me) not to have competition on the crafting side, but I like to see people play the game the way they want to play it.