The fate of the Brawlers guild in Tryker land

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Re: The fate of the Brawlers guild in Tryker land

Post by elfmatic »

gatineau wrote:Haha and thank you for the humour elfmatic. Needed that. Have a great day
I'm glad you found it humorous, because that's what it was meant to be.

Careful friend, your insecurities are showing.

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Re: The fate of the Brawlers guild in Tryker land

Post by stellus »

Bounty Beaches is the roughest of them all, no doubt about it. It took our group several tries and a ton of DP to finally make it through. The good news is, once you make it through Bounty Beaches, the rest of the travel is easy sailing.
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Re: The fate of the Brawlers guild in Tryker land

Post by neofuzz »

Bounty Beaches is definitely one of the tougher runs. Some may brag of making the trip in record time, doing the trip regularly with ease.... I've also seen such accomplished veterans of the journey jumping over eachothers corpses in a scramble to make it to their destination. :rolleyes:
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Re: The fate of the Brawlers guild in Tryker land

Post by korin77 »

One of the things I noticed while we were in that big group. People kept agroing the Shalahs. This was not done on purpose but due to a bug in the game system. The Shalahs cast an area of effect damage spell while it fights the torbaks. If you happen to be inside the area of effect and take damage, and your healer heals you, the arma will agro on the healer. This explains why we had so many agros even though noone targeted those things.
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