p46985 wrote:rihzawdog i think this game is perfect for you because it has a very relaxing atmosphere and is easy and fun to play. Nobody will call you noob because this game in not about powerleveling but more about exploring and developing your character I think that is what Shazzy meant when she said that this game has a wonderful community. You are always welcome in a group and you can play by yourself as well, you won't have to spend hours lookng for a team and then sticking to that team for hours when u r tired just because u won't be able to find another one later on. I just want to say that whatever you decide you are always welcome among us
I have to agree with you there p46985 - the majority of registered players are really cool. There is a poll elsewhere in the forums which asks the age of the people playing Ryzom, and the majority are in their mid- to late- twenties and early thirties. I think this accounts for the chilled-out atmosphere ingame and the abundance of helpful players.
I fully support the decision to close the main forums off to unregistered players, but once registered you will find yourself amongst serious players who want nothing to do with trolls such as the guy who says "This game is about soloing since it will prolly be you alone in the NA server" (erm...ok, thanks for the insider knowledge. Now can you tell me when Patch 1 will be going live? Thanks, I appreciate it
) and the other, probably related, troll who says "to tell you the truth, i can understand the ignorant attitude from people like you, as a lot of people including myself have access to this game via freinds or other means" (right...so you've had time to immerse yourself fully in this amazing game? Wish I had a friend who bought the game and allowed me this level of access to his pc. Does he have any time to play himself I wonder?)
Shazzy, Raynes and p46985 are very active on these forums. They are registered players who have full access to the main forums, but they're always happy and willing to come to the guest area and share their views and opinions. They don't need to do this, but I guess they, like me, want to see a more balanced representation of the game.
Fanboi, moi? Nope, a girlie actually, and it upsets me to see this fantastic game slated by Unregistered and uninformed trolls. I would hate for their opinions to carry any weight with someone coming here with a view to learning more about Ryzom before committing to buy it.
I for one can assure any new players of a really warm welcome, a customer service second to none and a development team committed to listening to its players and acting on their wishes to produce an incredibly rounded and fulfilling game.
Good luck rihzawdog with whichever game you decide to go with
Love from Euginie